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[deleted] t1_iyv6ywj wrote



mfb- t1_iyvbd9b wrote

It's not about multiples of 4, it's about producing Helium-4 which is a very tightly bound nucleus.

If a reaction only produces a single nucleus then the released energy has to be released as photon, which means we need the electromagnetic interaction. That's weaker than the strong interaction, so these processes are rare. D-D fusion can produce He-4 + photon, but T + p and He-3 + n are much more common.

H + B-11 produces 3 He-4

D + T produces He-4 + n

D + He-3 produces He-4 + p.

H + D can only produce He-3 + photon, so we get a pretty bad reaction plus we need the electromagnetic interaction.


Ishana92 t1_iyvalhh wrote

Can you explain why multiples of four matter here?


Qrkchrm t1_iyvcg6u wrote

Just like electrons have orbital shells that affect chemical stability, the nucleus has quantum states with different binding energies. In general even numbers of protons and neutrons are higher binding energy that odd numbers. Helium 4 is particularly high binding energy, as it is double magic.