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tranion10 t1_j2eaghe wrote

Yep, this is the right idea. This is why eating predators like Tuna is worse than eating seafood lower on the food chain.


Tabbeber t1_j2f6win wrote

Not sure about tuna specifically, since that's a fairly large fish, but the nutritional benefits of regularly eating fish typically outweigh the harm IIRC.


deviantbono t1_j2fenc8 wrote

Why not be sure before commenting? Bioaccumulation in large predators like tuna is a big problem, as the commenter stated. The benefits (general wellbeing) does not outweigh risks (paralysis and death) of a high-tuna diet. A mercury-consious fish diet can be healthy tho.


Tabbeber t1_j2fhkz0 wrote

You're correct, I should have been sure before commenting.

The intention of my comment was that, although seafood contains a non-insignificant amount of mercury (and other toxins), one should not be afraid of eating fish regularly.

The most recent study I could find found no evidence of developmental harm among children with high seafood diet mothers.


Syzygy_Stardust t1_j2fsxld wrote

Uh, as a sterile man, my concerns over mercury poisoning isn't toward my future babies, but my current brain.