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piklester t1_j6dbtc6 wrote

Assuming it was an unopened can, freezing it could cause the can to 'explode' . You see it happen with drink cans a lot because of the thinner material and the carbonation in lots of drinks but it can happen with any sealed liquids without room to expand. this guy demonstrates it by freezing a sealed pipe with liquid nitrogen to spread up the process


eldude2879 t1_j6dcsew wrote

this was back in the day when booti killed a few every year

many things were different, back then they said the children are the future

we were so clever with computers and stuff

nobody says that anymore, kids are dum as rocks


TheNakedFoot t1_j6gm5z6 wrote

That video was really cool. I knew ice expansion was strong but I didn't know it took so little. And the remaining water interacting with the LN2 was awesome too