A Recent Situation Involving A Mean Piece Of Grass Requires Her to Wear Her Doggles When She's Playing Frisbee. She Doesn't Seem To Mind. Frisbee Is Life.
Submitted by Itsshrovetuesday t3_11dg31p in aww
As a frisbee dog owner, frisbee is life couldn’t be truer. Only thing he likes more is rocks in/at the river
100% her love language is Frisbee.
What is it about river rocks that dogs love so much?
Just loves to chase them and then try to dig them up out of the water. Will dunk his whole head in after them.
Old friends of mine had a dog like that. It was so much fun to watch!
Ice cubes seem to be a huge hit for my Frisbee boy
I freeze pumpkin purée for my dude and put it in his kong.
Sounds like a good idea, except mine hates pumpkins.
He pooped in the jack-o-lantern last year, and I know it was him this time, he did it directly in from of the hidden cameras
Lmao now that is quite a big FUCK YOU to pumpkins! It's like he was trying to get the message across that he literally thinks pumpkins are shit!
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