zfreakazoidz t1_j9s23kf wrote
So... did you stop driving because the job sucks? My wife works at the warehouses and sometimes in HR. She said the turnover rate for drivers was very high due to Amazons beyond ludicrous requirements every day for how much you have to deliver ina certain period of time.
trucksandrecords t1_j9u76t1 wrote
This is true. When I worked for a delivery service delivering Amazon, we had to be there at 6 and be on the road by 7. I had to start delivering that early, even though I wasn't allowed to ring the doorbell or call anyone for access until 8 AM. I often had to spend more time going back to redeliver later in the day because of their stupidity. I had a lady call the police on me and start filming me when I went on her porch even though I had a vest on that said Amazon. Everyone had to stop for lunch at the same time everyday. If you finished early you had to go rescue packages from another driver. To make it worse, they wouldn't keep you on the same route everyday, which meant you might have to learn one or more new sets of apartment complex buildings on any given day, etc. I was lucky because I had years of delivery experience as a courier and truck driver. It was also the best job I ever had because I got 30K steps nearly every day and lost 60 pounds. Sadly, the pay tops out at like $15-20 an hour. I went back to truck driving and make far more now.
zfreakazoidz t1_j9uurol wrote
Man that sucks. Also didn't realize how much the pay sucked. Not worth it for being a driver at Amazon. Working at Amazon is probably kinda close to what its like working at a sweatshop in China.
Glad to hear you are making more back as a regular truck driver. Our friend LOVES truck driving. Does cross country trips endlessly. Makes me wonder, Amazon pay for your gas at all? Wouldn't be surprised if they found a way to cheap out on it.
trucksandrecords t1_j9vws5i wrote
Just to clarify: I was not an Amazon employee. They were smart about that when they set it up. They farm the routes to third party delivery companies. Then they can ride the delivery companies, as others have said in other comments, for poor performance.
I was only over the road as a truck driver for one year when I was younger. I enjoyed it then, but I just do local deliveries now. I go home every night and I'm paid hourly. It's a much better situation for me.
Lastly, Amazon does not pay for gas or car repairs, whether you are a delivery company or an individual using your personal vehicle. You are also a contractor.
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