Submitted by WorthABean t3_11dv44m in aww
Poet_Less t1_jab4llg wrote
Lol I thought they were connected 🤣
WorthABean OP t1_jab59e5 wrote
They pretty much are haha. We joke that they're synchronized - everything they do is simultaneous including bowel movements, sleeping, waking up, etc!
globaleu t1_jabsqkj wrote
If it is so then they are not fosters they might be twins, doing this cute act of innocence.
azlan194 t1_jacggsk wrote
Aren't all puppies and kittens twins if they belong to the same litter?
MrsAnthropy t1_jaeju2w wrote
Yes, all dogs in a litter are fraternal; two would be like twins, three would be triplets, and so on. Identical twins (from the same egg) in dogs are incredibly rare.
Gloomy_Industry8841 t1_jae2spl wrote
Awww, darlings!! I hope they are adopted together.
GarnetAndOpal t1_jaecpxl wrote
So adorable. I could refuse them nothing. Those eyes!
WalrusByte t1_jabewtm wrote
I was totally like "No way, a 2-headed dog!". Thought they were two thirds of the way to being a Cerberus!
dallashf t1_jabu4j0 wrote
Oh com'om man, he have mentioned in that the two foster ones, if they are foster they are different from the whole. Am I getting it right or just mixing up the name with a word.
WalrusByte t1_jacwqjn wrote
I think foster just means that they're rescues. I mostly hear it used for humans. A foster child is a child who has to be under the care of someone other than their parents, usually because their biological parents were abusive or otherwise irresponsible. So I'm guessing it means a similar thing with dogs.
They did mention that they're two of them, but often when there are two-headed animals it's a result of twins combining together in the womb. So they are technically individuals that are just fused together.
Versal-Hyphae t1_jad21r5 wrote
Fostering with animals means that the animal is up for adoption, but instead of staying at a shelter they spend their time living with a foster family in their home. The family is only taking care of them until they get adopted, so they won’t stay forever (unless it’s a “foster fail” where the foster family decides to adopt the animal themselves), but it helps the animal get used to living with people in a home. It’s useful for puppies and kittens to learn how to be good house pets at a young age, for elderly animals that need special care there isn’t time or staff for at the shelter, for traumatized animals that need a quieter and calmer place to recover from whatever difficulties they faced before being adoptable, etc.
Dr_Bitchcraft8 t1_jaf2wb0 wrote
I got downvoted for jokingly calling them conjoined pitties 🤷🏻♀️🙄
TheShadowBow t1_jaco85w wrote
Hahahaha, they are just forcing each other to get the meal first, who will get the first part.
zaidsolrac t1_jab4var wrote
Those are the faces of foster fail
WorthABean OP t1_jab4x3g wrote
shhhh don't say it XD
myispsucksreallybad t1_jac4p92 wrote
I had one of those foster dogs, old terd is still sleeping next to me.
[deleted] t1_jac04m3 wrote
ForgetfulLucy28 t1_jac2q9i wrote
Good luck with that
Careless_Hellscape t1_jad1ehi wrote
Right, 2 of my 3 dogs were fosters that I couldn't give up. Not getting attached is so friggin hard.
RuairiSpain t1_jadi95y wrote
We had 4 dogs and 1 foster. Now we have 5 dogs.
Careless_Hellscape t1_jaditcr wrote
Dude, I was just about to keep a 4th. For some reason, I do so bad with separation in winter (which is when I fostered all three dogs in reference, but different years). This most recent puppy was confiscated from some horrible people. She was bones when we took her in and I got so attached. Luckily my sister-in-law adopted her so I still get to see her. Otherwise I'd have not been able to give her up.
RuairiSpain t1_jadqmz0 wrote
Good to know, fostering is hard. My wife and I are wimps when it comes to saying goodbye.
We get our dogs from the shelter, been a few years since we last visited 🤔
WorthABean OP t1_jabd5ho wrote
Fit_General7058 t1_jac64n8 wrote
Bill and Frank need to be together. They are a pair.
BigBertha216 t1_jabrl44 wrote
[deleted] t1_jadidyb wrote
I love them, where are you located, can I adopt them?
[deleted] t1_jae41rp wrote
NoelaniSpell t1_jac9fw0 wrote
They're cute from all angles ☺️🥰
tolthunder t1_jabxsyp wrote
I swear! I was so confused at the initial picture until you got a side angle. I still thought they were cojointed! 😅
apocalyssa t1_jab8dn6 wrote
Awww! are their names foster and fail?? :)
kommaduher t1_jac9j0i wrote
Wait is this the name, foster and fail. oh poor little innocent foster and fails. Don't tickle me for taking the other meaning of foster.
abaye23 t1_jad1wd5 wrote
They are damn cute man, is it the labra breed, I always wanna pet some but my parents won't allow me.
ProtoTiamat t1_jadfm30 wrote
No, those are pit bulls.
[deleted] t1_jadial6 wrote
Probably pit mixes, they definitely don’t look purebred.
Anxious-derkbrandan t1_jad92za wrote
They are cute but I’d be super careful with sending them to the same home. Littermate syndrome is a real thing and can mess up a dog big time.
WorthABean OP t1_jad9j9v wrote
Yup yup. We've been gradually separating them more and more in anticipation of this
Hascus t1_jaeusmj wrote
What is that?
veggeroni t1_jaazdue wrote
Awwww! I hope they get adopted together!
waxbook t1_jaciic8 wrote
OP, you could make this a reality!
Edit: what’s wrong with hoping OP keeps them both?
ShelleyTambo t1_jad9ana wrote
Some shelters/rescues discourage this or don't allow it because of the possibility of littermate syndrome.
waxbook t1_jad9sey wrote
Oh.. what’s littermate syndrome?
Kitchen-Impress-9315 t1_jadnubc wrote
Isn’t this most often an issue with young puppies? I’d think they wouldn’t want to foster together for too long either, as completely adorable as this is.
i-love-cats-2020 t1_jab0cnd wrote
Me too
Fenix_Volatilis t1_jabcd9u wrote
Yes, officer these two right here. They're the thieves. (of my god damn heart)
[deleted] t1_jadegcq wrote
They stole mine too
Fenix_Volatilis t1_jads2eq wrote
Career criminal masterminds
[deleted] t1_jads7zj wrote
I support it
Fenix_Volatilis t1_jads9yr wrote
Me as well
aaronprichard79 t1_jad7298 wrote
Are you sure they are the culprits who have stolen your sleep. where are my hand cuff, taking them with me now.
[deleted] t1_jab48ib wrote
[deleted] t1_jabke7a wrote
[deleted] t1_jac2wve wrote
[deleted] t1_jaegwal wrote
keepinitoldskool t1_jaf0cru wrote
Omg I thought they were conjoined
i-love-k9 t1_jaf0o5i wrote
Are they conjoined twins?
diarvom t1_jadpg7y wrote
Are they hugging? So cute
Knysiok t1_jact3ms wrote
They look like one organism
GambitKOhearts t1_jacuhtz wrote
That’s a Cerberus pup. Minus one
Ok_Dog_4059 t1_jad1dy0 wrote
They are so beautiful.
2guys4dogs t1_jadjfs2 wrote
wtf36963 t1_jaefefp wrote
Lord save can any creatures be that cute?!?
garry4321 t1_jaemhzx wrote
"OOOOH dry bits of old rejected meat mixed with ash and wheat.... GIVE THAT TO MEEEEEE"
MufuckinTurtleBear t1_jacwx5j wrote
Help I am dying
[deleted] t1_jadikm9 wrote
They will lick you
Kinenai t1_jad867z wrote
Cerberus is so excited he lost one of his wee heads.
shyguy__22 t1_jadi6qs wrote
Dats some kodak camera reel moment from 90's.. ! Super cute.. !
[deleted] t1_jadj96a wrote
Give me everything tonight…
karmaisourfriend t1_jadizlb wrote
I don't understand... What are they doing on the floor of all places instead of snuggled in your arms? Who could go a minute without giving them kisses ?:-)
The-Minmus-Derp t1_jae0iat wrote
graduate-1998 t1_jac3ods wrote
It looks like they are connected to each other
swollen_feet t1_jacnlth wrote
two headed dog
reneeb64 t1_jacpj5a wrote
They would so make me a foster fail. 💜
OMGOODNESSWTF t1_jacs28z wrote
Cuteness overload. My ❤💙💜💖💗💘❤💙 is exploding.
FlyingFlyboy t1_jacsggy wrote
One head short of cerebrus. Oh wait there's Orthros
[deleted] t1_jacxyet wrote
TacoFox19 t1_jad77va wrote
Ahhh!! 😍😍
OppositeRecording440 t1_jadbzdd wrote
It's cerverus the dog of 2 heads :0
skeptobpotamus t1_jadttka wrote
They look conjoined! Very cute.
_ItsAllenNotAlan t1_jabe2t9 wrote
They are both adorable. I predict a foster fail
phoenick0605 t1_jacacd2 wrote
Harry Potter: The Rise of Fluffy
mariboo_xoxo t1_jachnjm wrote
Awe…aren’t they the cutest lil’ puppies.
AwkwardnessForever t1_jacqg7g wrote
Thank you for fostering. It’s so hard to let them go but so rewarding when you are able to place them in a great home and watch them grow rather than imagine the lives they could have had without rescue!!
Hilzrswimmin t1_jacrg58 wrote
The cutest little Dobbies <3
Jumpin-Jebus t1_jac6qqq wrote
They would not be 'foster' for long if I saw them...
f700es t1_jacesjp wrote
OMG! I'd give them anything they wanted!
Fickle_Target3736 t1_jacphj5 wrote
Awwww! they are very cute
Thundersson1978 t1_jacpta5 wrote
So gorgeous with the blue eyes. Puppies are the best
sgttedsworth t1_jabohq0 wrote
Lookit those little dudes all smushed together!
marleewesst t1_jac35j3 wrote
Aww those face took my heart
matttech88 t1_jac7glf wrote
One lil face short of a Cerberus pup
AlamutJones t1_jacgpb7 wrote
Feed those boys literally anything they want
CapG_13 t1_jabz3ue wrote
newaccount721 t1_jac01oe wrote
They are asking very sweetly though!
This is the most bizarre downvotes I've ever received. I just said the puppies were asking for food nicely. Calm down.
HeleneMarszalek t1_jac447y wrote
Too too cute!
AdorableSandie t1_jabur2j wrote
cute siblings
PalmettoState69 t1_jabnz2t wrote
How could you say no 🥰
BoredByLife t1_jabvte7 wrote
Thought they were conjoined twins and got concerned about their wellbeing.
onlyspeaksinhashtag t1_jabw9bi wrote
I’d overfeed them with pets!
[deleted] t1_jabkdda wrote
BubbleSlidess_1 t1_jabi0os wrote
They Looking Damn Cute😚
govhholp2 t1_jabitbw wrote
Omg! I loves these poopies!😍
apelsin2014 t1_jadf6gw wrote
Are you seeing the poops of these cute puppieesss, damn your poopee mind thing bro.
soanxiouss t1_jabgw69 wrote
they’re soo cute 🥰
SPARKYLOBO t1_jacjdwr wrote
Are they r/velvethippos? And may I have them?
[deleted] t1_jadijli wrote
They look like hippo mixes! Leave one for me.
GoodDogsMatter t1_jab545r wrote
If I didn't already have 4 rescue dogs, I would adopt them! 😍
EquivalentWrangler27 t1_jab6ztr wrote
Cute babies!
realityisoptional t1_jabeu1e wrote
It’s the highlight of their day!
Trisamitops t1_jabfdoo wrote
Aww! I swear I looked at this picture and I could smell puppies.
[deleted] t1_jadiuhp wrote
Corn chip toe beans
KatieHayes22 t1_jaazrts wrote
awwww SO CUTE!!!
WorthABean OP t1_jaazv0z wrote
We think so too! Don't let them fool you, they're tiny terrors lol
nicheonlinetraffic1 t1_jab7ak7 wrote
Sweet Babies🥰
2D617 t1_jabc81r wrote
So sweet!
mymoochi t1_jabfdzs wrote
I can't resist myself to pet them
LadyDeath1138 t1_jacibvi wrote
Here before the rage baiters completely take over. These puppies are so damn cute! I want them so bad!
[deleted] t1_jademiy wrote
I was also pleasantly surprised by the lack of hate comments. Hope it stays that way.
LadyDeath1138 t1_jadl903 wrote
Well, the number of downvotes on my comment says it won't, but they can seethe for however long they please. It doesn't change anything.
These innocent puppies are too precious to turn away from.
[deleted] t1_jadm59q wrote
They’re just jealous because we’re so much better than them; we have lives and touch grass. They crap on adorable puppies.
rectangular_ t1_jacmyev wrote
I love pits and I hate the fact that people think they’re the only dog that can hurt someone
[deleted] t1_jad8p4g wrote
[deleted] t1_jaderqj wrote
I was told by a hater that my trauma didn’t happen because I was bitten by a dog that wasn’t a pit.
LadyDeath1138 t1_jadllaj wrote
They'll say anything to support their cause.
[deleted] t1_jadmb5w wrote
“I’m sure that dog that but you was part pit” it was a purebred chow chow.
LadyDeath1138 t1_jadmr8a wrote
I was bitten by a small dog, too. It tried to pull me off my bike, along with two other small dogs. I meannI rode away just fine, but it's ridiculous. It's been so long I no longer remember the breed, but the point, of course, was that aggression is not exclusive to pibbles.
[deleted] t1_jadnv1q wrote
Yeah. To my knowledge innate HA is not present in any modern, well-bred dog breed, except maybe Filas. Unfortunately a lot of pit bulls and small dogs like chihuahuas are carelessly bred and owned. Well-bred, well trained dogs seldom cause problems.
evilocto t1_jabz3lk wrote
They're absolutely adorable
Edit: I see that Karen brigade arrived get a life you lot.
[deleted] t1_jadjh1p wrote
Imagine being so butthurt that you downvote every positive or neutral comment on a post of cute puppies. Pitbull haters need to touch some grass. I agree, they’re precious and I want them.
myispsucksreallybad t1_jac4mu1 wrote
Bad little dogs. Just the rottenest of rotten.
rectangular_ t1_jacmq2a wrote
Bro every pitbull isn’t bad. Other dogs also attack people
myispsucksreallybad t1_jacogzu wrote
You really think I’m calling them bad dogs? How dense are you?
[deleted] t1_jae4bqy wrote
rectangular_ t1_jactloj wrote
My bad bro, thanks to most people being very hateful here I don’t realize some comments are jokes
myispsucksreallybad t1_jacy27c wrote
I figured that, and unfortunately some people are evil so I know where you were coming from. I have a pit bull snuggled up next to me.
rectangular_ t1_jad3oxh wrote
Man pitbulls are one of the biggest teddy bears lol
[deleted] t1_jadj1df wrote
Staffies and pits. Beagles are pretty good too.
[deleted] t1_jadiy1k wrote
Are you really forgetting dog tax?
[deleted] t1_jae4fia wrote
Zinthaniel t1_jabs2r8 wrote
Pit Bulls have the perfect snouts for kissing, like top tier above all other dogs - In my personal opinion.
[deleted] t1_jac6xyz wrote
[deleted] t1_jadipm6 wrote
They’re very boopable too, in my experience.
Zinthaniel t1_jadwmxd wrote
that too is true, unfortunately for you must now join me in r/aww corner of time-out for liking those little monsters.
[deleted] t1_jae3lij wrote
Nah, the haters deserve the time out, we’re much better than them and they know it.
theanimalman678 t1_jac321e wrote
Didn’t have to add the in my personal opinion.., because it’s a fact😂
kat-deville t1_jabhumg wrote
[deleted] t1_jac6sij wrote
EZLN-scout t1_jaf15rk wrote
Hmmm, i wonder why the comments that dont align witb your agenda were deletdd and the users banned?
gin_and_toxic t1_jab2zxf wrote