BestWesterChester t1_jed7aj0 wrote
Is this some bizarre new form of canine renewable energy?
NewPartyDress t1_jed7jpz wrote
Precious 😍
annesudz t1_jed7pdt wrote
That’s adorable 🐶💕
[deleted] t1_jed8ty1 wrote
VincentVandogGogh t1_jedarq3 wrote
The second one is so well covered I didn't even notice it at first glance.
___This_Is_Fine___ t1_jedbwen wrote
With those towels I thought I was seeing a giant Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pie.
zexur t1_jedcudj wrote
"Cross your eyes to see the hidden picture"
hereisalex t1_jeded22 wrote
My first thought was swiss cake rolls
BathroomParty t1_jedggbv wrote
Do they trade which one gets to be the little spoon?
MeFolly t1_jedqic9 wrote
Oh, please tell me they have great people names, like George and Ethel, or Ruby and Mabel.
I love basset hounds with names that make them sound like background characters from “The Andy Griffith Show”.
rml24601 t1_jeds3le wrote
Soupy puddles of luv 💕
wifespissed t1_jedt0fl wrote
Not much for dogs but those guys are cute. I wanna rub their faces.
brimstn t1_jedy5lg wrote
Having had bassets growing up, I can smell this picture.
ThaneOfCawdorrr t1_jee0kwn wrote
omg this is so adorable. I had to study it a bit to discern the different bassetry. What I think I like best is because of their basset "facial expressions," it looks like the one on top is totally resigned "I don't like it, but this is the way we have to sleep now, *sigh"
They must have slept in a pile as puppies and just kept on doing it even though they are big fellas now? SO cute.
oskar_the_black t1_jee3wps wrote
You could say they're.... renewing their energy 👉👉
justsayno_to_biggovt t1_jee63al wrote
The correct unit of measurement for more than one bassett is a puddle.
This is a puddle of bassets.
zenwalrus OP t1_jee9854 wrote
Huey and Abigail.
zenwalrus OP t1_jee9dv3 wrote
You know bassets.
Chemteach-71 t1_jeeclpo wrote
guitarbque t1_jeem6jy wrote
Nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile.
FellainisBarber t1_jeep7h7 wrote
Upvoted for the Manchester United scarf. And also the cute pups.
chuang-tzu t1_jeewqgs wrote
I can't tell where the one stops and the other starts. I believe they have fused.
MeFolly t1_jeexbzy wrote
Perfect! They are one of those adorable couples you see gardening together and walking together and aging softly into each other. Just perfect
dukestrouk t1_jeh1h0n wrote
Nuclear fusion technology really has come a long way.
totesmuhgoats93 t1_jed75sw wrote
"Renewable energy group"