Submitted by FinchFuxFox t3_11zrc5a in aww
brad1123 t1_jddpmw7 wrote
That's awesome. I adopted an older cat as well. Everyone wants the kittens but the older ones are the ones that really need to be saved.
[deleted] t1_jddpz2u wrote
turndownforwomp t1_jddq88z wrote
If there was a heaven, there would be a special place in it for people who adopt elderly animals.
Confident_End_3848 t1_jdds3ul wrote
That so wonderful. What age was the kitty?
DaBronxMom827 t1_jddsb6c wrote
I live to hear stories about elderly animals getting a good home . Your BF is a good guy
Butt_Fucking_Smurfs t1_jddsoev wrote
I just adopted a 1 ear senior cat that had been surrendered 3 times to the shelter. I am the luckiest guy alive to spend my senior years with another like me. I don't know why they got rid of him. He is a lovebug. A headbutting love bug
turndownforwomp t1_jddt5h2 wrote
That is so beautiful; you’ve changed his entire life, I am sure he adores you.
FinchFuxFox OP t1_jddzp2c wrote
He's 13 ish :)
FinchFuxFox OP t1_jddzw49 wrote
They also come with a personality and records and lots of info that helps take good care of them. He was not gonna get a cat that day but this little man stole our hearts through a pane of glass
ElizaPlume212 t1_jde1dez wrote
I doubt i will ever have another pet (health and physical issues), but if I ever adopt, it will be an older cat from a shelter.
Thinking of older cats at a shelter reminds me of a t'nuc (read it backwards) I worked with. She and her husband had a gorgeous ivory colored cat. Sweet tempered and gentle.
After their daughter was born, all was fine until one night he came home and the wife was screeching to get the cat out. To a shelter. "HAVE IT KILLED!" Seems Mommy never taught kidlet how to NOT taunt and hurt the cat, so the cat would now suffer. The husband said he'll leave it at the shelter. No. She wanted it murdered. SHE fucked up and the cat suffered. I don't know if the shelter did put her down or put her in a cage. Husband may have lied to the wife. He had a good soul but had a harradin as a wife and may have been too scared to defy her.
She told me the story with a strong attitude of pride---Mama Bear protecting her cub. I couldn't verbalize what I felt, the disgust and hatred. Our friendship ended then.
NAMDAMN t1_jde1zbv wrote
Aw look at all that floof! I’m so happy you gave him a warm loving home!!
NAMDAMN t1_jde23n2 wrote
Hey it’s you again I remember your post! Hope you two are doing good! Keep up the butt fucking you awesome Smurf!
INVERT_RFP t1_jde6jnz wrote
Happy catto, and solid dude. You are lucky!
Lindaspike t1_jde9bqo wrote
the oldies need love as much as the kittens! we've always adopted adult cats & cats with physical issues. last years we got our first kitten! WOW!!! they're fun and crazy! with thought maybe a younger cat (not a kitten) would maybe inspire more play with the older's a picnic every day now! here's the little troublemaker who now runs the house. meet Lily! she jumped straight up from the floor into my grocery tote!
FinchFuxFox OP t1_jdebw4r wrote
That's the best cat pic I've seen in forever wtf was she thinking
Stainedbrain1997 t1_jdecpcb wrote
We adopted a 12 year old cat for my grandma several years ago. She lived another 5 years and my grandma said she was the smartest cat she ever owned 🥹
Lindaspike t1_jdedarq wrote
thanks! she loves ALL bags, especially that bag! i emailed the pic to our vet and she replied "Lily is laughing at you!" i have to agree. here's another black kitten in pink bag pic...
momentoirl t1_jdefeko wrote
Kitty head bonks are the best.
Pspaughtamus t1_jdegoxk wrote
I see that face, and you are now your bf's sidepiece.
Von_Moistus t1_jdehdly wrote
Got two brother cats when they were ten years old. Lost one at age 15 due to kidney failure, while the other passed back in November, having almost made it to 21. Older cats still have a lot of purrs left to give.
NightOwlsUnite t1_jdeji2z wrote
U Sir are a gem. Thank u and I wish u both many happy, healthy, fun filled years together. ❤
catsby1970 t1_jdektnm wrote
What an adorable fluff puff. I adopted a "senior" cat (6 years young at the time; due to his age he was half off at the humane society) in 2020 just before lockdown. He is also a tuxedo and is the cuddliest purr machine. He has lots of personality but loves nothing more than to snuggle and make an appearance on zoom calls :) I hope there are many more years of snuggles ahead for your boyfriend and his kitty (and you).
FinchFuxFox OP t1_jdep0f1 wrote
Jeez she's just so precious. Looks like she's a yeller haha
brad1123 t1_jdepmif wrote
That's exactly what happened when my wife and I went to the shelter just to see the animals and were not planning on getting one but when we saw him we had to have him. Lol! Unfortunately, he had a stroke and we had to put him down about a year ago 😔 but for the few years we had him, he had a great life.
ihearthotmoms t1_jdeuu7x wrote
Reminds me of my sweet boy. My parents got him him for me when I was 8; stayed with me until I had to do what was best for him when I was 24.
Lindaspike t1_jdexrq2 wrote
she actually "talks" to us. i can ask her if she wants some treats and she'll chirp and run to her treat station! if i can't find her i walk around the house saying "meow meow Lily! where is Lily?" then i hear her chirping from somewhere and she comes running out and says "MEOW! here i am!" she's amazing and so adorable.
MisterZoga t1_jdey4hm wrote
There's a special place in heaven for animal lovers, that's what I always say.
MisterZoga t1_jdeyfc4 wrote
>(read it backwards)
Haha super clever way to use it inoffensively.
[deleted] t1_jdez2lm wrote
Nepeta33 t1_jdf2efg wrote
i think they both do.
Mocker-Poker t1_jdf3f4d wrote
your kitty definitely got some attitude
Cainde t1_jdf3wgu wrote
i adopted a 12 y/o mega anxious cat 2 years ago now. she may be a little shit but she is my little shit.
ginawynnsky t1_jdf420m wrote
Good guy, your boyfriend.
Omfgsomanynamestaken t1_jdf4dgv wrote
Ah God I'm sorry, dude...
[deleted] t1_jdf4fm7 wrote
Mocker-Poker t1_jdf4ofm wrote
hey, he's got a bf now
boopaloops-- t1_jdf4z5v wrote
My heart has utterly and completely melted.
Lindaspike t1_jdf68eb wrote
she does, but it's all adorable!
meekonesfade t1_jdf6mlv wrote
OMG! He looks just like my kitty! What a cuddler! Excellent choice!
probablytheDEA t1_jdf6txf wrote
Obviously, but does that cat like it?
LoudMouthVet t1_jdf795w wrote
I’m an elderly human. Please thank your bf for adopting and loving the elderly kitty. This warms my heart beyond words.
iambluewonder t1_jdf7af6 wrote
Your BF's a keeper!
[deleted] t1_jdf7e7k wrote
Confident_End_3848 t1_jdf7qyj wrote
Thank you for giving him a home.
Electrical-Act-7170 t1_jdf7sjr wrote
Definitely at home.
Electrical-Act-7170 t1_jdf7yyt wrote
I'm so sorry you didn't have a longer time with him.
turndownforwomp t1_jdf84vr wrote
My heart. I’m literally saving this thread to help me feel happy when I am down. I currently have my own elderly little curmudgeon and I am so grateful to be able to give him a home with us.
[deleted] t1_jdf9gh9 wrote
Jlx_27 t1_jdfa3o6 wrote
Thats not your bf anymore! 🤣❤
muchandquick t1_jdfad63 wrote
At my foster program a lot of older cats are surrendered when a caregiver can no longer properly take care of an animal. Thank you to him for giving an older cat a home.
[deleted] t1_jdfb18h wrote
AllergicCatLover t1_jdfcsnh wrote
tavesque t1_jdfeeiy wrote
wampa-stompa t1_jdfek5u wrote
That is a man pretending to sleep if I ever saw one
ReincarnatedInc t1_jdffg09 wrote
So true! And you are Good People!
Islandcoda t1_jdfg0ec wrote
Good dude to give senior kitty a home! Check out r/seniorkitties too❤️
natattooie t1_jdfgabc wrote
Aww bless him
lost40s t1_jdfiauc wrote
Awe he looks just like our Rocky, who crossed the rainbow bridge at 15 a few months ago.
elecbubble t1_jdfiq0t wrote
I want a fluffy cat like that! 😍
PunkLibrarian032102 t1_jdfj1zz wrote
The kitty is gorgeous, and you have a wonderful BF. Senior cats so often get ignored in shelters. We adopted our senior cat when he was 12 (he’ll be 14 later this year) and we feel so lucky to have him. I wish you and your BF many happy years with this cat. 😻
Me2373 t1_jdfjeu9 wrote
This is the sweetest image, I love it!
ACaffeinatedWandress t1_jdfjkpy wrote
I’m fostering an elderly cat. He’s honestly the best. He sleeps when I’m gone, does no property damage, and cuddles all the time. He has the sweetest, mellowest, loving personality.
Zrex_9224 t1_jdfjqif wrote
Your tux looks so similar to the Tux my sis adopted then gifted to me. He was 6 when she got him, 8 now. He's such a sweetheart and loves to give me a bath. He now lives with my parents since I went through some tougher times last year, so every trip home is a wonderful opportunity to give my boi some love
Okay I'm trying to post an image but reddit keeps converting them to an asterisk...
PM_ME_YOUR_BARA_PICS t1_jdfk0p5 wrote
Unrelated but how'd you get your account suspended /u/FinchFuxFox
PM_MeTittiesOrKitty t1_jdfk0uu wrote
I am not going to say you are wrong, but I will say that I think everyone who wants a dog/cat should get a puppy/kitten once in their life. I did it, but I will be getting full-grown cats after the cat I have now.
philbert815 t1_jdfk4jt wrote
I think they realize how awful a shelter can be and are happy to be saved, cause they know something is amazing out there
I have a cat I found fully grown and starving. she ran up to me crying for food and water so I just brought her in. And still have her
LedZempalaTedZimpala t1_jdflsms wrote
Holy fuck
[deleted] t1_jdflx3f wrote
YAY for another senior pet having a, hopefully, forever home. I adopted my dog at 18 months old ( admittedly a foster failure on my husband's part, LOL), but 12 years later she's 14 years old and I don't want to imagine my life without her.
[deleted] t1_jdfm2az wrote
But I bet those years were the BEST and happiest of that cat's life.
[deleted] t1_jdfmet6 wrote
u/PM_MeTittiesOrKitty...I disagree. Not EVERYONE should get a puppy/kitten. If they aren't ready for ALL of the work involved, then those people should stick with adult pets. I know for myself, and especially very good friends of mine that bought a labrador retriever puppy, it's not for everyone. They, and I, prefer the adult pets.
Jimdrew t1_jdfmk8n wrote
Tell you BF that’s he’s a rockstar for taking in an older cat and giving him a loving home.
badedum t1_jdfngmi wrote
I love my senior kitty! She's going to be 15 in May but if they told me she was 8 I'd believe it. She was a pandemic cat - we swore up and down we were just fostering and then three months later someone else was interested and we were like "...this is OUR cat"
TheZebrraKing t1_jdfodob wrote
I have heard people returning cats becuase “they are to affectionate” some people don’t deserve cats keep up the great work random Reddit user :)
Teddy_Doodle t1_jdfrloj wrote
That’s so sweet! He’s a beautiful kitty. I hope they have many happy years together!
janetriley t1_jdfrpu2 wrote
This is great!
ManyLintRollers t1_jdfrz6k wrote
We adopted a pair of 6 year old cats and they are the best. They are both 12 now and still zoom around playing .
The shelter had discounted the older cat adoption fee so we got 2 cats for the price of one. Twice as much purring!
[deleted] t1_jdftikt wrote
gig-rigs t1_jdftumj wrote
gig-rigs t1_jdfufsm wrote
He was very lucky to have you both and Thank You for giving him a second chance in loving hands !!! 😊❤️🙏🐱🙏❤️😊
JudgementalElf t1_jdfursc wrote
Super cute!! (But also, I’m obsessed with that bedspread!!)
Horse-gal84 t1_jdfvfza wrote
Awwwwww!!!!!! 🥰❤️🥰❤️ I'd say kitty likes it a lot!
South-Atmosphere7196 t1_jdfwn4a wrote
Beautiful friends forever 👍🫶
South-Atmosphere7196 t1_jdfwt3e wrote
Really gotta love it👍🫶
ImTyertIHadItUp2Here t1_jdfxta5 wrote
BefuddledPolydactyls t1_jdfzgdb wrote
Old cats are great. They are often so loving, or alternatively, so grumpy - but either way, they are happy to have a person to care.
ACaffeinatedWandress t1_jdg1ptz wrote
He’s a little of both; I call him my purrmudgeon.
When I first got him, he refused to look at me, routinely yelled at me to get him his wet food plated, and a snapped at me to let me know petting time was done. He slept at the foot of my bed and totally ignored my existence.
As the months moved on, he took to sleeping on pillows. He moved on to one at the foot of my bed, and gradually moved up to one by my head. One night I woke up to find that he had crawled on top of me, and that’s his place now. He comes for petting sessions every time he eats or drinks and never wants them to stop!
RedCascadian t1_jdg1xwo wrote
Mine isn't old, but he is 8. And he gets grumpy and attacks my ankles if I don't go to bed on time. When I do? Bam, snuggle time.
BefuddledPolydactyls t1_jdg1zku wrote
Perfect nickname!
ACaffeinatedWandress t1_jdg27gp wrote
Lol, thanks!
Mountain_Loss7783 t1_jdg2bws wrote
Alekipayne t1_jdg2sxb wrote
Older cats are more cuddle bugs.
thehermit14 t1_jdg3pm3 wrote
Sorry that you lost your boyfriend. It was obvious, but no less upsetting.. I'm sure you you can come a solid second.
CarolFromCanada t1_jdg4o86 wrote
Bless his heart for adopting an elderly cat. 😇 🐱
flyingpallascat t1_jdg4seb wrote
nanfanpancam t1_jdg5oqq wrote
Heart of gold, don’t let him get away!
shrikelet t1_jdg65ug wrote
And it would be full of elderly animals.
ZanzibarLove t1_jdg84xd wrote
People who adopt elderly animals into loving homes are a special kind of special ❤️
Turbulent-Garage6827 t1_jdg8o7j wrote
You bf is awesome and that kitty is a treasure
umay21 t1_jdg925f wrote
he is your biggest rival!
1Lamendoza t1_jdg9yfo wrote
my kitten stole my heart since I found her asleep in my helmet
eMouse2k t1_jdgb7xv wrote
And for most of the cats that I've had, they get snugglier and more affectionate with age.
Weeb_Masta_Flex t1_jdgbjuw wrote
This is the way
Noache_pleasethnx t1_jdgbs3m wrote
That's exactly how my parent's cat was, may he rest in purrs (aggressive cyst growth). Miss that meowster.
karamobrownismydad t1_jdgdijz wrote
I love Lily!!! This pic made me laugh, please give her a pet from me :)
[deleted] t1_jdge5g4 wrote
Additional_Buyer_110 t1_jdgeaa1 wrote
I Stan for a dude that looks around his new apartment and says This needs a cat.
This_Miaou t1_jdgfkqq wrote
This cat is Brolene
This_Miaou t1_jdgfnmv wrote
Protect this old man and his human at all costs. ❤️
HunnyBear66 t1_jdggazs wrote
Beautiful kitty!!!
Cephalopodio t1_jdgi8bc wrote
Elderly kitties for the win!! Kittens are adorable but you never know what personalities will emerge. Two of mine, raised since kittenhood, are antisocial assholes. I love them dearly but damn.
If you know you really need a cuddly comfort cat, go to a shelter and find an older cat. Many are abandoned or left behind when their older owners pass away. 😭
Ophelyn t1_jdgqlqz wrote
I work at an animal shelter. Thank your boyfriend for me for adopting an older cat. It is so sad how long it can sometimes take for the older kitties to be adopted. Many people would pet them, give them love, but not want to deal with an older cat and their potential issues so they get skipped over often.
Quelahodida56 t1_jdgqpvk wrote
Your bf is a keeper!
Midwayislandgirl1 t1_jdgrn40 wrote
Love this!
ThaneOfCawdorrr t1_jdgroum wrote
Awww bless you for understanding his grouchiness, and respecting his body language and meowing, and most of all for your patience and kindness, until finally the old fellow decided "Ya know, this one's pretty nice, I think I'll have a big cuddle, don't tell anyone though"
Ayaava t1_jdgs9cd wrote
As a couple, they both look like keepers. Lucky you!
Kisha76K t1_jdgteec wrote
Aww... this is so sweet.
Lindaspike t1_jdgyjs8 wrote
thanks! she is just a bundle of joy. i'll give her a pet and some treats from you!!
Deeb_2021 t1_jdgz0ru wrote
Any person who adopts older animals like that is worth hanging onto!
BackwardPalindrome t1_jdgzpoq wrote
You have him kickass years. Thank you for loving him so much.
[deleted] t1_jdh0gk8 wrote
LordkeybIade t1_jdh92d2 wrote
What a W of a BF
MMB-Reddit t1_jdhh6po wrote
Thank you for doing that!
mekonsrevenge t1_jdhiojx wrote
Beautiful cat. My cat, who looked very much like this guy, died at 19 a few years back. Miss him every day.
LeicaM6guy t1_jdhjllf wrote
Ours was six when we got her. She had a big sign on her door saying “Do not pet, will scratch!” Apparently her previous owner had died and she had been not adjusting well to the six months she’d been in the shelter.
So me being me, I immediately stuck my fingers in the cage and started talking to her. She lit up! She was purring and rubbing against my hand - we immediately knew we were gonna bring her home. We weren’t even looking for a cat that day.
She gave us another ten years of happiness. Older cats definitely deserve all the love, too.
periodicultimatum83 t1_jdhkt6p wrote
Yep, he looks so comfortable with your BF.
Outside-Dependent-90 t1_jdhwt7e wrote
Aw. He's gorgeous 🥰
[deleted] t1_jdi3ohv wrote
08100416667 t1_jdibrnz wrote
CompetitiveCamp8595 t1_jdifgw4 wrote
Omg that’s the sweetest!
Beneficial-Drive-954 t1_jdjlb3q wrote
You love him.
ctkmiller t1_jdkuw4d wrote
You need to keep that man. That is the sweetest thing ever. Older kitties are so calm and loving.
ElizaPlume212 t1_jdtx0ym wrote
It's more to get it past censors! A friend of mine introduced me to it. She uses it in speech as well. "She's such a ta nuc!"
shotzi7 t1_jdwozp4 wrote
Thank you so much forgiving him the love he greatly deserves, as do all animals!
[deleted] t1_jddp7yd wrote
Who’s cuter? 🥵