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Pinnaple_Villain t1_jegv7pk wrote

I think this is the first time that I saw that the expression of pure joy of the human made me "Aww" more than the pet. Keep smiling random person on the internet!


TheGreatGamer1389 t1_jegt62s wrote

Great thing about a naked one. Putting them in cute clothes cause it helps keep them warm and isn't just for vanity.


reenign3 t1_jegvwwn wrote

I have three boars that I keep in my garage because I don’t have room in my house (it is a huge garage and they have plenty of windows and light) but during the winter I feel so bad for them, I treat them like my little sons, so I got them three Guinea pig sweaters, and ALL OF THEM HATED IT! Not a single one would keep the sweater on.

It was back to giving them hot water bottles every few hours


Maffytaffy OP t1_jegxrmt wrote

When he's on my bed with the sweater on he's completely okay. But when he gets put into his pin he hates it and needs it off. So stubborn!


caramelcroissants t1_jegvx3q wrote

Omggg yes he's working that sweater!!! Haha so cute