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TheGreatGamer1389 t1_jegt62s wrote

Great thing about a naked one. Putting them in cute clothes cause it helps keep them warm and isn't just for vanity.


Pinnaple_Villain t1_jegv7pk wrote

I think this is the first time that I saw that the expression of pure joy of the human made me "Aww" more than the pet. Keep smiling random person on the internet!


reenign3 t1_jegvwwn wrote

I have three boars that I keep in my garage because I don’t have room in my house (it is a huge garage and they have plenty of windows and light) but during the winter I feel so bad for them, I treat them like my little sons, so I got them three Guinea pig sweaters, and ALL OF THEM HATED IT! Not a single one would keep the sweater on.

It was back to giving them hot water bottles every few hours