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PhotographIcy600 OP t1_je5d1mz wrote

Reply to comment by DannyJoy2018 in Meet Guinness by PhotographIcy600

Nah. It’s all good


DannyJoy2018 t1_je5d72x wrote

What’s the point? I’ve had pits, oldes, cane corso. You don’t need that overbuilt collar unless you’re trying to say something


PhotographIcy600 OP t1_je5dkco wrote

Maybe I’m compensating for my small penis.


DannyJoy2018 t1_je5drvo wrote

Lol, you and me both.

Btw, was close to trying to insinuate anything like that. I see a lot of macho out owners out collars like that on their dogs. Guys who shouldn’t even a dog ya know?


PhotographIcy600 OP t1_je5eava wrote

I Gottcha. I really just liked the collar to be honest. Not trying to prove anything. He’s just a pet, not a status symbol


PhotographIcy600 OP t1_je5ddwm wrote

Simplify because I like it, and he’s cool with it. Not that big of a deal really