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theGreyCatt t1_iy8g71k wrote

If I was OP, I wouldn’t be able to work or eat or change my clothes, I’d just want to be near this beautiful new family all day and watch every adorable thing they do!


PupsandKittens1512 OP t1_iy8h46b wrote

We’ve had over 70 foster kittens now, so it makes it a bit easier to get on with normal life. This little family is certainly cute though..


DakDuck t1_iy9ucdg wrote

thank you for fostering :D appreciate it a lot


Jlx_27 t1_iyau3ag wrote

You are a good egg. TY for doing what you do!


tefititekaa t1_iyd8hay wrote

You're awesome, and please keep posting pictures!