cortrid_piston t1_ixjs88x wrote
Can relate wasn’t much for cats until my ex-wife got one. Hooked now, 4 cats later.
Bean_Storm t1_ixjttb8 wrote
All it takes is one good kitty to change you forever. I had many cats growing up, but until my girlfriends old man Oliver moved in with me, I didn’t know what cat love was lol
MinecwaftPlays t1_ixjw4y5 wrote
Hey this is only one, handsome little bud needs more exposure for their modeling career.
ExiledinElysium t1_ixk7obd wrote
Color point Siamese will do that to a person.
I speak from experience.
davidmlewisjr t1_ixk873l wrote
Picture number 1, instance number 2…
So, where are all of the other pictures of your pretty kitty…?
evilgoddes t1_ixk9m31 wrote
Omg his eyes
GreatsquareofPegasus t1_ixljoh2 wrote
Beautiful ass cat
Phylicite t1_ixjs7oq wrote
Laughs in toxoplasmosis