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CasseyZzZs t1_j1yf6i3 wrote

Soon you'll be ruler of all salamanders.


fraze2000 t1_j1yh8pm wrote

Sorry... which one is the salamander's hand?


anon-mally t1_j1yigth wrote

How do we know the human hand is not tiny human hand?



isecore t1_j1ylp7j wrote

Isn't it technically a paw? Just wondering. It's a cool pic either way.


Kleisidike t1_j1ynv1w wrote

and if I cut off my finger, a new one grows back - what about you Hooman !


Myyke t1_j1ynxt3 wrote

That's a big old boy right there


Yutanox t1_j1yx0a6 wrote

That's scary how much it looks like a human hand, also, what's that black thing on top of it?


PA55W0RD t1_j1yxjwm wrote

It is amazing to me that every land living or amphibious animal (including those that returned to water or took to air) that descended from the first fish that ventured onto land still have the basic 4 limb/5 fingers configuration.

That could have so easily have been 6 limbs/more fingers had our common ancestor have been different. Or changed somewhere along the way.... yet we share the same number of limbs/fingers with an amphibian with which our last common ancestor was 350 million years ago.

Edit: To clarify, I am only talking about the ancestors of the first tetrapod which evolved from tetrapod-like fish. Insects and other arthropods conquered land before us.

Many tetrapods have also lost digits and limbs on the way, birds, whales, snakes etc. None however have gained extra limbs or fingers as the norm, even though polydactyl gene mutations are quite common.


einat162 t1_j1yycmd wrote

We found Paris and Janeway's babies.


a-sentient-slav t1_j1z6w1l wrote

Hello, you humans! This is Chief Salamander speaking...


steve329 t1_j1z73tx wrote

The best part was that she was having a bad day and the salamander sensed it and reached out to comfort her.


Tifoid t1_j1z9zri wrote

What about snakes (no limbs), insects like centipedes and ants (more than 4 limbs), animals with hooves (no fingers)?

Guess you are right for land based mammals … but not “every land living or amphibious animal”.


Seluin t1_j1zatx3 wrote

My hands look like this… so his hands can look like this


Spare-Competition-91 t1_j1zazn3 wrote

I saw one of those in person. Way larger than I imagined. Looked like if I talked to it, it would give me a quest.


barbermom t1_j1zomcp wrote

Aww! Look at those tiny squishy toes!


Educational-Show-113 t1_j1zt7dn wrote

Has anyone read War with the Newts by Karel Čapek? I say be careful with these Tapa Boys 😑


volpiousraccoon t1_j20fy0b wrote

It should be more like every tetrapod (four-limbed vertebrate that share ancestry with fish) has 4 limbs and 5-ish fingers configuration.

You are correct when you said that there are exceptions to this with some changes in fingers number and some animals with missing/vestigial limbs but the configuration it is generally true for most tetrapods. Some hooved mammals have one or two big fingers for their hooves because they evolved to loose their other digits over time. Marine mammals like whales are still considered therapods even though they do not really have back legs anymore but they still have the five finger configuration. Snakes are still considered tetrapod because their ancestors were reptiles that had all 4 limbs. It's kind of confusing and complicated, but generally the limb configuration is true for land-living vertebrates.

Insects and centipedes are not even vertebrates, so they do not have anatomy similar to tetrapods. It's kind of complicated but really cool to learn about once you get into it.


kpdrama1991 t1_j212tf7 wrote

That hand looks like the hand of a friend


BlahajMafia t1_j21ivl2 wrote

Girl, this didn't make me aww it made me reach for bleach.


Obvious_Pen3045 t1_j225bn0 wrote

My zoology professor had a theory that the loch Ness minster was a species of salamander.


Tenaflyrobin t1_j23mhrl wrote

Googled it to see the entire salamander and whoa! It's pretty, um, a face only a mother could love. Yikes!


Classic-Pie-7625 t1_j23sqc0 wrote

I’d like to see the rest of it. Any pictures? (Yes I’m also going to Google images but I’m kind of invested in this specific salamander now)