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shadowtheimpure t1_j663vgg wrote

That frantic grooming tells me something very important: that lynx was lonely and bored as all fuck. This place isn't giving it enough stimulation and it could use a friend.


hat-of-sky t1_j66bcqi wrote

Good thing it has one then. Big buddy and little buddy bff's 4 ever. Lots more fun things you can do with a friend, even in an impoverished space. This video is pretty old, I wonder how they're doing now.


freedfg t1_j68li6t wrote

Most likely that cat was put in to the exhibit by staff because the lynx was lonely.

Usually habitats that hold felines.....aren't accessible by other felines unless put there. I highly doubt the cat found it's way in


PPQue6 t1_j66g6jj wrote

It's like.....Meowschwitz in there!


spikybrain t1_j68htaw wrote

Okay Iacopo Alpoleio da Urbisaglia...

Inventor of the exclamation mark? Hello and/or duh.


Sandra2104 t1_j687mzc wrote

Or maybe… I don’t know… lets not put animals in cages at all?