Guntcher1423 t1_j6ex5vb wrote
The window is closed?
mugsimo OP t1_j6exopx wrote
It was 25°F outside. 🥶
Solid-Positive6751 t1_j6exsu6 wrote
Not enough doggo
Guntcher1423 t1_j6eyblg wrote
He's not going to care.
LisaWinchester t1_j6eyoy5 wrote
There are no treats in sight. That is what's wrong with this picture! No dog treats at all!
Easy-Life4475 t1_j6ez1l5 wrote
No blanket for him to curl up on & sunbathe
MyHeartBurnsThere2 t1_j6ezfga wrote
That cat thinks it's mixed with Boston Terrier.
TBeIRIE t1_j6f12ui wrote
You fed your Mogwai after midnight?
dreadredheadzedsdead t1_j6f1epg wrote
Catan is super boring, you need Scythe.
kpr1200 t1_j6f2dae wrote
wotter_otter501 t1_j6f3kiy wrote
The contract saying you lawfully gave him to me is conveniently not in this picture… 🤔
IronSaves t1_j6f5hqw wrote
You haven’t filled your salt shaker.
YourMildestDreams t1_j6f7z1g wrote
The fuck is that, even?
Disastrous-Bus-4853 t1_j6f83zg wrote
Some of your board games are facing left, some are facing right.
uncle_monty t1_j6fb6yv wrote
You should really put a coaster under your dog to prevent leaving marks.
ccgrendel t1_j6fbibc wrote
Your dogs wallet fell out of his pocket
ambitousworm t1_j6fbzns wrote
Exactly! You get 1 internet point.
Also the wheel brake on the shelving unit isn’t set.
2204BatiknWine t1_j6fda6n wrote
The "Boss" can't find their glasses ---- AGAIN!! 🙄
Excellent_Error_4755 t1_j6fdlmr wrote
You're missing one or two chihuahuas
resetpw t1_j6fe7x5 wrote
That’s a cat
mugsimo OP t1_j6fejrs wrote
We did a DNA test. He's mostly chihuahua, Pekinese, and Shih-tzu.
mugsimo OP t1_j6fensb wrote
Ha! Thanks for the recommendation!
[deleted] t1_j6feqyo wrote
mugsimo OP t1_j6few1b wrote
There is another chihuahua off screen.
mugsimo OP t1_j6fezaf wrote
I'm going to have to file a complaint with the rescue organization, then.
EnderLord361 t1_j6ff355 wrote
That the dog isn’t being pet right now.
Oeklampadius1532 t1_j6ff7qz wrote
You could fit some more board games on that shelf.
e_pettey t1_j6ffvm3 wrote
You aren't petting the doggo enough.
AwayDevelopment4871 t1_j6fg2hz wrote
AwayDevelopment4871 t1_j6fg559 wrote
Don’t see anything wrong 🤷♀️
mugsimo OP t1_j6fgiip wrote
I have to eat sometime...
yourmomsfavoriteduh t1_j6fi7wy wrote
Why is he on da table
ysabellatrix t1_j6fiy1z wrote
That you definitely need more board games. I don’t see Monopoly…
GothicNitemares t1_j6fj9j5 wrote
That he's holding your wallet hostage until you present the goods. And by good he means bonies...all of
mr_cigar t1_j6fkgla wrote
Is the window dirty?
schroedingersnewcat t1_j6fm49e wrote
I don't see some required games.
Castles of mad king ludwig, terraforming mars, chrononauts, concordia, among others.
Purityskinco t1_j6fmd0r wrote
He needs a friend to play the boardgames with.
Taco_Force t1_j6fnxwl wrote
You told him you'd teach him Catan and you never did. You monster.
mugsimo OP t1_j6fnyjv wrote
It's what happens when we forget to push the chairs in.
Otherwise-Window823 t1_j6fo0pe wrote
Nothing he’s got it covered ✔️
mugsimo OP t1_j6fo0u2 wrote
No. It's snowing outside.
mugsimo OP t1_j6fo31t wrote
Thanks! We'll check them out!
mr_cigar t1_j6fo4yf wrote
So that's the problem?
mugsimo OP t1_j6fo62u wrote
No opposable thumbs.
minder125 t1_j6fobft wrote
Not enough Euros to his tastes.
swagcatlady t1_j6foi8g wrote
Your cat is a doggo
bob-knows-best t1_j6fp72c wrote
There's no writing utensil on the table for the dog to take notes.
schroedingersnewcat t1_j6fpgyp wrote
Are you going to gencon? You will find many pretty pretty games there.
mugsimo OP t1_j6fpirh wrote
It does look really dirty, but it's just frost and snow outside. Really!
Khaos_Gorvin t1_j6fpqgp wrote
Your dog wants to play board games but you don't want to?
hamsternoose t1_j6fprb7 wrote
That dog can’t read. Shame…
mugsimo OP t1_j6fprom wrote
Not going to gencon this year. ☹️
schroedingersnewcat t1_j6fptv8 wrote
That is unfortunate. See you next year!
suer72cutlass t1_j6fq127 wrote
Wondering why no one is playing a game with him!
Rgrockr t1_j6fq7hg wrote
Your doggo is not receiving pets.
Maverick533 t1_j6fqcsr wrote
I'm Batdog....
HouseOfSteak t1_j6fravs wrote
Your middle Tsuro box is turned the wrong way, the text is sideways.
ShiningSakura t1_j6frkrz wrote
What I really want to know is..... what board games do you have. I can see you have all the classics like catan, ticket to ride, house on the hill, and 7 wonders.... but what are your other games. I honestly want to know..... I may need to try them out.
ShiningSakura t1_j6fsdr0 wrote
Century, Isle of sky, Puerto Rico, Rising sun..... forgot those.
schroedingersnewcat t1_j6fshuf wrote
Also spirit island and five tribes.
Meowopesmeow t1_j6fskaw wrote
I lol'd
Meowopesmeow t1_j6fsni1 wrote
The dog has no where to put his wallet?
KrispyKreme725 t1_j6ft4ns wrote
You own three copies of Tsuro.
Warfighter3000 t1_j6ft6p5 wrote
That pup doesn’t have food on a gold platter
PiltdownPanda t1_j6ftkln wrote
What’s wrong is he should be whipping your butt at King of Tokyo right now!
mr_cigar t1_j6fu0ww wrote
Ok I believe you.
JustAGoodGuy1080 t1_j6fu8m7 wrote
Did your pup's agent approve pics without consent?
bluehunger t1_j6fuc3q wrote
Too clean.
mugsimo OP t1_j6fuqik wrote
He has no pants.
mugsimo OP t1_j6fuslq wrote
It's a hidden camera. Shhh!
mugsimo OP t1_j6fuu9n wrote
Three variations.
lostsherbert620 t1_j6fuuo6 wrote
There is an alarming lack of snoot-booping occurring in this picture.
JustAGoodGuy1080 t1_j6fv5tb wrote
No doubt you'll be hearing from the lawyer.
Colon t1_j6fvfnr wrote
is his name sonny or donny? tag is hard to read
SquirrelHoudini t1_j6fvuqq wrote
Nothing lol
mugsimo OP t1_j6fxma0 wrote
Neither. It's Pippin.
mugsimo OP t1_j6fy4h7 wrote
That's most of them on this shelf. Some you can't see are Sherlock Holmes, Sagrada, Exploding Kittens, Heart & Brain, and Castles of Burgundy.
jessie009 t1_j6fysuu wrote
Get that dog a damn purse for his wallet!
kjlo5 t1_j6fzlir wrote
Picture on the wall is obscured by the bookshelf. You need to remodel to make the room bigger.
Celiac_Muffins t1_j6g08fj wrote
You're not petting the dog
contrabardus t1_j6g0ygh wrote
Not so much as a single playpen ball.
Sad-Bodybuilder-1406 t1_j6g0zjy wrote
There is a dog in this picture. Who removed the cat and replaced him with that cur?
riptydeco t1_j6g10vp wrote
Your board game organization triggers me, but otherwise I see no issues
Tiger_Striped_Queen t1_j6g1kpe wrote
Your cat is fairly large.
Current_Software_687 t1_j6g1q5j wrote
Not enough settlers of Catan games.
Zz22zz22 t1_j6g3njz wrote
Damn I would’ve guess he was a beagle and Boston mix, a boggle if you like. Pretty boy regardless!
Meowopesmeow t1_j6g4kzs wrote
He has no tailor to make him pants.
mugsimo OP t1_j6g6yfp wrote
tistick t1_j6g7gbt wrote
The board game boxes are gonna get sun damaged, surely?
mugsimo OP t1_j6g7jzb wrote
If the boxes were standard sizes it'd be easier.
ChocolatMintChipmunk t1_j6g8zv8 wrote
Also stacking them sideways in general. What's up with that?
Spiffinit t1_j6g9af4 wrote
The games aren’t alphabetized?
Spiffinit t1_j6g9ll2 wrote
Am dog. Disagree.
SpaceCadetUltra t1_j6g9mar wrote
If your dog has his own wallet you gotta give him pants or a backpack so he can carry it
abc123def321g t1_j6g9nup wrote
Your dog looks like my French teacher
ChicGeekling t1_j6g9u1v wrote
You're missing Killer Bunnies.
Airplane360 t1_j6ga4x3 wrote
You took the dogs credit card from his wallet next to him and he wants it back. Give it back to him. He just wanted to get more treats from Amazon.
mugsimo OP t1_j6gbc8d wrote
Boardgame Tetris
mugsimo OP t1_j6gbfnc wrote
Hardly an unbiased opinion.
mugsimo OP t1_j6gbrf7 wrote
They don't get direct sunlight because of trees.
mugsimo OP t1_j6gbumg wrote
I feel sorry for your French teacher.
mugsimo OP t1_j6gbx29 wrote
Don't have that many yet.
Outrageous-Context70 t1_j6gcmb9 wrote
He's not sitting down on a chair
Oath-CupCake t1_j6geezl wrote
He could just fling himself out the window
CRABMAN16 t1_j6geztw wrote
He gon oink in that doinker.
Nobody_D_Clown t1_j6gg124 wrote
The pupper isn't getting cuddles?
PcNewbieee t1_j6gjzsc wrote
Dogs don’t belong in the furniture. I said what I said.
magnolya_rain t1_j6gm9mi wrote
Your dog only has 3 legs.
rycar88 t1_j6gmfwx wrote
You're missing the Cities & Knights expansion to Settlers which is the best way to play it
Swaggy_Pinkerton t1_j6gn3oq wrote
The dogs on the table
tamaith t1_j6gnf8l wrote
Your cat looks like a dog.
Sworduwu t1_j6gnfzk wrote
dogs necklace isn't in the middle.
DasbootTX t1_j6gqcks wrote
There’s no way that dog knows how to play all those games
CodyLittle t1_j6grj18 wrote
I don't see Red Dragon Inn anywhere on your shelves. This is a travesty...
18114 t1_j6gs4nw wrote
KubrickMoonlanding t1_j6gswii wrote
No eat just pet
Starr-Bugg t1_j6gt6uc wrote
You need curtains
TrueStoriesIpromise t1_j6gt7nc wrote
You don’t have Starfarers of Catan.
AlsendDrake t1_j6gtuxz wrote
No copy of Villainous on that shelf :p
SebastianWolf73 t1_j6gvf97 wrote
A dog is on the table instead of a cat being on the table.
Common_Data4818 t1_j6gwh8o wrote
You need another dog. This one is lonely.
BrokenStereoField t1_j6gwltv wrote
He wants to know what’s wrong wit you?
IloveBANANAS34 t1_j6gx6w9 wrote
There is a dog in it and that is wrong
Doughspun1 t1_j6gxa8k wrote
It's lacking the essential component for the next logical step in gaming (ie. Warhammer 40k patrol box)
[deleted] t1_j6gxk1t wrote
Seemose t1_j6gxqnt wrote
I'd say the biggest problem with that picture is the Netrunner box, which was discontinued because of licensing issues with Wizards of the Coast, a "gaming" company that has killed more products than it currently supports!
[deleted] t1_j6gyfym wrote
GingerJarLamp t1_j6gygnc wrote
Your dog seems mad at you, or at least annoyed.
alll444 t1_j6gyy3s wrote
Are you selling anything on FB marketplace right now? Because I swear I saw a picture of this dog in a listing for some dog related items. Either that or we’ve got a twin situation
Ingbeert t1_j6gzvsg wrote
Hungry Hungry Hippos
friedwidth t1_j6h2y84 wrote
The last time you washed the window was before your dog was born
SnipeGhost t1_j6h3cob wrote
poster placement
Trisamitops t1_j6h3y7o wrote
- That dog is sitting on a huge doobie.
- Pretty sure that many board games is illegal in one house.
lebob01 t1_j6h4eee wrote
Bro, your furby can look at 2 things at once?
notadoctoriguess t1_j6h5qfo wrote
Bat-dog doesn’t have his cape.
Bunktavious t1_j6h6pqj wrote
I just assumed that the leather wallet conveniently placed beside him was the intended treat.
Rhabarbermitraps t1_j6h6t4g wrote
Nothing is wrong here! Board games and doggy, how much better could it get?
[deleted] t1_j6h77ck wrote
LisaWinchester t1_j6h7o7v wrote
Ah, that's a good one! I didn't think of that, because whenever I open my wallet, two moths come flying out...
IronAndParsnip t1_j6h80j7 wrote
What’s wrong here is that you have all those board games and we’re somehow not best friends yet.
Pale-Office-133 t1_j6h8bn6 wrote
No snackos.
Hobo_Knife t1_j6h8por wrote
Is your address or phone number showing on the tags?
AgeingChopper t1_j6h8r8h wrote
ahh! are those old single pane windows?
zackmophobes t1_j6haw9j wrote
Catan! Dixit! Betrayal! Ticket to ride!
Let's be friends.
SarnDarkholm t1_j6herhz wrote
Your black copy of Catan is not flush with the other two. It is driving my OCD up the wall. That is whats wrong with the picture.
FartsackMcGillicutty t1_j6hf8ux wrote
The lower 2/3 of your shelf! You gotta turn your head sideways to read the titles of your games. That's not cool at all.
Linwood_Longstrive t1_j6hfspr wrote
He acts like a cat?
Tigeress1316 t1_j6hgd8c wrote
I'm sure someone could zoom in on your dog's ID tag to get your details
NeeNee4Colt t1_j6hhrpt wrote
He's waiting to play video games, Hooman!!!!!
Blitzfalle t1_j6hioyo wrote
You fed the gremlin after midnight and now it acts like it owns the house
pandilee t1_j6hird9 wrote
He is a 3legged dog on a desk
efronerberger t1_j6hiuha wrote
FBI keyboard clacking
SilverSpoon1463 t1_j6hk1mg wrote
He has your wallet and is threatening your homework.
Toilet_Destroyer_666 t1_j6hnvsy wrote
Root isn’t on the shelves
Jamie00003 t1_j6hqixn wrote
Dog on the table?
thereisonlyoneme t1_j6hqvd3 wrote
You are not petting your dog.
TPbumfart t1_j6ht98j wrote
Are your Pandemic Legacy games still shrink wrapped? If so, that's the problem. Get those played!
James_From_WiiSports t1_j6hy5br wrote
The framed comic strip on the top shelf
Responsible_Ad_3630 t1_j6hyluo wrote
It needs more dogs in it
TBeIRIE t1_j6ia3x2 wrote
Pippin found his wallet but he can’t find his car keys? (Again!)
He is so darn handsome! I love his expression! 🐾❤️🐾
Irishconundrum t1_j6ic58x wrote
If you like Exploding Kittens you should try Poetry for Neanderthals!
Zero_Night_Howler t1_j6icijc wrote
Not really sure except the dog on the table
PeanutNo7337 t1_j6igv7o wrote
Letting your dog on the kitchen table.
Antisocialite99 t1_j6ikpdp wrote
You have a frightening amount of board games.
Johnkasper_ t1_j6ilst8 wrote
Is this a mixed breed? I think so.
eeviltwin t1_j6imahi wrote
Easier to pull a game out. All 200+ of mine are sideways on my Kallax shelf.
[deleted] t1_j6imj5n wrote
kirradoodle t1_j6irbz2 wrote
Nobody's petting the dog, that's what.
AgentOrange2814 t1_j6irgj5 wrote
Not enough board games. I don’t see Root there or Cascadia.
ayerunthempockets t1_j6iz0y8 wrote
Your shelf has wheels.
spazzardnope t1_j6j56up wrote
No Smash Up! To be seen!
ChocolatMintChipmunk t1_j6j7qjf wrote
Dang! That's a lot. How do you organize them? By title of the game, by genre, by color of the box?
deathbysnushnuu t1_j6jd2f5 wrote
Dirty windows.
mugsimo OP t1_j6jh0yc wrote
mugsimo OP t1_j6jhq96 wrote
Because it's heavy.
mugsimo OP t1_j6jhu6r wrote
Very much so. Did the DNA test. Chihuahua, Pekinese, and Shih-tzu.
Ok-Mycologist1310 t1_j6jhzbb wrote
The shelf
mugsimo OP t1_j6ji2la wrote
mugsimo OP t1_j6ji5q5 wrote
One of them is still shrink wrapped. It's a copy.
mugsimo OP t1_j6jijp2 wrote
The tag says "call [chip company] to return to my family."
eeviltwin t1_j6jijtb wrote
By what fits snugly in each Kallax cube. 😄
I do keep expansions to / different versions of a game next to each other.
mugsimo OP t1_j6jio3o wrote
No. Just the chip company number.
mugsimo OP t1_j6jit8t wrote
It's frost and snow outside.
mugsimo OP t1_j6jixdd wrote
Wasn't me. Although it could have been the dog.
mugsimo OP t1_j6jizg8 wrote
Because I caught him on the table.
mugsimo OP t1_j6jj6k4 wrote
There is another dog off screen.
mugsimo OP t1_j6jjpzt wrote
He knows that. That's why he's got the, "Who? Me?" look on his face. I forgot to push the chairs in.
mugsimo OP t1_j6jjvtf wrote
Despite how big his ears are, he can't fly.
Johnkasper_ t1_j6jockx wrote
>Very much so. Did the DNA test. Chihuahua, Pekinese, and Shih-tzu.
stompANDsmash t1_j6jvsoz wrote
I didn't know that Star Trek Catan was a thing.
FluffyPandaPants t1_j6km38w wrote
I don't know? Your cat sitting on the table?
Tigeress1316 t1_j6l4jh0 wrote
That's good I couldn't zoom in any further to actually read it
JesusChristDerpyDerp t1_j6euemz wrote
enter this photo into an ugly cat contest