Submitted by samspastic t3_10oa77i in aww
samspastic OP t1_j6dcdc9 wrote
Pass the nip
goals_in_mind t1_j6dcncc wrote
sir derpalot
samspastic OP t1_j6dcr6d wrote
Reporting for cutie-duty!
goals_in_mind t1_j6dcyhs wrote
his coat looks absolutely gorgeous btw ✨
samspastic OP t1_j6dd4tq wrote
The floof is very pleasing
PPQue6 t1_j6dfi7c wrote
More like mid derp! 😅
EugeneRav t1_j6dg5lc wrote
What a cute cat I like so much with the fur of shorthair cats, I really like to stroke them, they are very cute, but they have their own character.
gumiiiiiiiii t1_j6dgi6y wrote
sagitta_luminus t1_j6diphp wrote
“Dave’s not here, man”
DMoney159 t1_j6diqra wrote
He says "heheheh"
samspastic OP t1_j6dkkr5 wrote
I heard that in Seth Rogan’s voice 😂
postedUpOnTheBlock t1_j6dmd5c wrote
Looks like he’s laughing because you just noticed he farted.
redmambo_no6 t1_j6dvhqn wrote
“No man, I’m Dave!”
ZealousidealWin3177 t1_j6dyaly wrote
Well bless cutie 😺🥰
_AlreadyTaken_ t1_j6e1c9u wrote
demonpixie69 t1_j6e7aqi wrote
Cuuuuuuuute x
500EuroBill t1_j6f0i8i wrote
he's got dog face
Low-Impact3172 t1_j6fcrz7 wrote
Beautiful Russian blue!
samspastic OP t1_j6fcxxg wrote
Close, he’s a British shorthair
Low-Impact3172 t1_j6fd6jg wrote
Oh gotcha I wasn’t totally sure, yea I just compared them pretty different faces but both cool cats, he’s a handsome boy
Food_and_CatSubs t1_j6fivtx wrote
Looks like he’s been hitting that nip too
Food_and_CatSubs t1_j6fix41 wrote
I wasn’t looking at his face
TrainAffectionate212 t1_j6fpvoi wrote
Nah that's the Cheshire cat
SelfBoundBeauty t1_j6g3sat wrote
samspastic OP t1_j6g41r3 wrote
Hey, I’m sneezin’ ova here!
beeteedee t1_j6galt5 wrote
You can’t fool me, you clearly caught him in the middle of telling a dirty joke
stfrances2968 t1_j6gf50q wrote
Original Happy Cat from Icanhascheezburger.
CourseTechy_Grabber t1_j6gonzo wrote
This photo has brightened up my day! The pure joy and cuteness is contagious, and I can't help but smile looking at it. Thank you for sharing this lovely moment with us.
SpringsClones t1_j6grpll wrote
Duuuude - I'm eating some pizza learning about Cuba (cough cough)...
VBB67 t1_j6hme4x wrote
Looks like he’s getting ready to break out a corny dad joke.
lonigus t1_j6hmzqe wrote
beautifull fur, wow.
[deleted] t1_j6dc9sw wrote
That’s how I look after a smoke lmao