Submitted by CrisperKoleslaw t3_10ohykt in aww
bonedorito t1_j6epm18 wrote
So this is where alien got its inspiration from...
[deleted] t1_j6epwpy wrote
KalicoKhalia t1_j6eqji3 wrote
mcristoforo t1_j6eqogx wrote
It’s an ‘ALIEN’ hybrid, (from James Cameron’s ‘Aliens’)
Narrow_Application48 t1_j6eqx7s wrote
Damnit. I came here to say this. Lol. Beat me to it!
Content-Cranberry-24 t1_j6eqxqq wrote
It's like she's puking up a baby
pennikin t1_j6er12o wrote
She's a little hoarse x
coolgrain20 t1_j6ermi3 wrote
The legendary xenomorph horse
[deleted] t1_j6eruk3 wrote
Educational-Offer299 t1_j6erwcj wrote
Gnagnagnangagnah!!! Let me touch your skin
[deleted] t1_j6es1ty wrote
kilgorBass t1_j6esdly wrote
A horse is a horse of course of course . .
thejikz t1_j6etnge wrote
Ripley's Belei-hee-hee-hereeeeve it or not!
StevePseudonym t1_j6etnsh wrote
When the jaws open wide and there's more jaws inside, that's amorNEIGH
SNARK63 t1_j6eubvu wrote
An ex-horse-ist!
hackabilly t1_j6ev2o3 wrote
Careful! Either one of those could be a gift horse
genuineshock t1_j6evit0 wrote
As long as somebody said it.
TheDankJedi420 t1_j6ezicu wrote
karensmiles t1_j6ezld4 wrote
A hoarse horse!
qaz3d25 t1_j6f0921 wrote
This belongs in r/tihi
elfy4eva t1_j6f0hyn wrote
The engineer xenomorph from the end of Prometheus had it's mouth inspired by a horse doing Flehman reaction.
skinnyminnesota t1_j6f0srw wrote
Game over, man! Game over!
A_Cool_Lad t1_j6f1w4w wrote
It looks like a di-
LokiSubstance t1_j6f2t2p wrote
I literally came to say this! Since I’m poor!
( • - •)
♥️< \
xAUSxReap3r t1_j6f2yi6 wrote
Of course, of course
MrRazzio t1_j6f3g1o wrote
VoidFlower5 t1_j6f3iji wrote
404errorlifenotfound t1_j6f7d1a wrote
This is why we don't look gift horses in the mouth, Darryl!
Turtlefamine t1_j6f7zo3 wrote
A gift-horse in the mouth…
DividedState t1_j6f89pn wrote
A Xenohorse
DasMotorsheep t1_j6fanrw wrote
H(orse) R. Giger
AnotherDreamer1024 t1_j6fc94d wrote
I had an Alien moment there...
Fealuinix t1_j6fd6yr wrote
Someone please photoshop Ripley in trying to avoid this Xenohorse's bite.
Puzzleheaded-Dot8420 t1_j6fetms wrote
Old-Gate4237 t1_j6fg418 wrote
Better suited to r/confusingperspectives
32mafiaman t1_j6fgxjn wrote
Damn it! I was gonna say this.
RadioactivePotato123 t1_j6fh007 wrote
Xenomorph horse lol
drmariomaster t1_j6fi9vi wrote
A horse IN a horse of course of course...
qtpss t1_j6fio4j wrote
Yep, needed to be said.
Horror1143 t1_j6fj2s4 wrote
new type alien
c0t0d0s1 t1_j6fjql3 wrote
They mostly come at night, mostly.
azad_ninja t1_j6fly3s wrote
No hybrids in James Cameron’s aliens :)
a_satanic_mechanic t1_j6fm8n2 wrote
it is very unsettling
allearsplease t1_j6fo4mh wrote
If the movie alien was horses
Dry_Chapter_5781 t1_j6fo8q7 wrote
Muffinshire t1_j6fvmqb wrote
In space, no-one can hear you neigh.
grasshopper4579 t1_j6fy05k wrote
But ... you don't look at the teeth of a gift horse 🤔🤔
hazelgirl9696 t1_j6fz842 wrote
alien from alien vs predator
Mysterious_Season_37 t1_j6g4jxt wrote
Get away from her, you mare!
Madman61 t1_j6g5g61 wrote
Key_Confidence_7993 t1_j6g5qmj wrote
FlacidBarnacle t1_j6g5x3z wrote
Ridley Scott’s gonna sue somebody
tinydumplings_ t1_j6g5xn5 wrote
Man Sigourney Weaver is just the best. I know this is a horse post but I just had to throw it out there
HumpieDouglas t1_j6g6s3a wrote
They mostly come at night... mostly
CrownTailor t1_j6g7i3i wrote
Beat me to it…
TheIncredibleHork t1_j6g8x3c wrote
No Freezer-dono, yamate!
Educational-Offer299 t1_j6ggey3 wrote
Kidney punch, kidney punch, kidney punch and pause . . . KIDNEY PUNCH.
lolstavros t1_j6gjaoc wrote
I'm gonna eat you with my little mouth!
tikachu22 t1_j6gn648 wrote
michael1757 t1_j6grap8 wrote
Why the long face?
Fossile t1_j6gtpzv wrote
False! That’s a frog eating a horse!
Onlyhereformyproject t1_j6gv2pc wrote
Chunklob t1_j6gw2d7 wrote
That's a horse horse
MissLockjaw t1_j6h0426 wrote
Because of the nightmares
isesri t1_j6h4f3v wrote
[deleted] t1_j6h7fu1 wrote
Kimchi-slap t1_j6h9ei7 wrote
hairybogwoppit t1_j6hh45m wrote
What's up? Has the cat got your tonge? No it's more complicated than that.
issaops t1_j6hkdwz wrote
-Cybermat47- t1_j6hogpk wrote
'You've been in my life for so long that I can't remember anything else.'
Meerkat_0070 t1_j6hra2n wrote
SyntheticSlime t1_j6i0h3s wrote
H. R. Giger’s horse.
[deleted] t1_j6i0um7 wrote
[deleted] t1_j6i9lyj wrote
[deleted] t1_j6j19ys wrote
garfogamer t1_j6ji5r0 wrote
They're in the walls! [clip-clop-clip-clop]
CheastnuutXT t1_j6jk90p wrote
Ailen 5
[deleted] t1_j6jlh3h wrote
MushroomEmu34 t1_j6ep8kp wrote
This hurt my brain