Submitted by MrMechkk t3_xzr6tw
Submitted by MickPawsome t3_y0mnue
Submitted by christycann t3_y4kwcc
Submitted by Lolo_the_clown t3_y50yd8
Submitted by gdlgiii t3_y6fn8e
Submitted by magiccViking t3_y9okiw
Submitted by Mr-Filthyy t3_y9zhx1
Submitted by Modern-Moo t3_yddfb1
Submitted by Alphalarge t3_yeqet3
Submitted by DGS_Cass3636 t3_yf3nrp
Submitted by Ryddim t3_yfjxz4
Submitted by greg_r_ t3_ygx2aw
Submitted by BKStephens t3_yhabna
Submitted by lilredisking t3_yhkky1
Submitted by wolverine0714 t3_yhuj9q
Submitted by brolbo t3_yk3n36
The Opossom is able to withstand up to 80 rattlesnake bites. Thanks to him, there is an antidote to snake venom. They don't get rabies and they eat ticks. They're your friend. ❤
Submitted by Gainsborough-Smythe t3_yp5ezf
Dog Pro-Tip for your next hospital stay: if you don’t want to stay in a kennel overnight, throw a tantrum. It just might work if your nurse is enough of a pushover
Submitted by but_why_is_it_itchy t3_yplgvz
Submitted by St0pX t3_ypt63k
Submitted by KoreanThrasher t3_ypyi13
Submitted by MintySnacks t3_ysk6ih
Submitted by Kohakuho t3_yuo5cz
Submitted by much_bad_gramer t3_yysklr
This cat we’re used to feed gave birth a few days ago and today she brought this little fella to our doorstep
Submitted by theincrediblebou t3_z2maee
Submitted by cleecloomou t3_z3lrwj