Submitted by Pleasant_View_9403 t3_yhtg3g
Submitted by asilvertintedrose t3_yia5rd
Submitted by hockeyh2opolo t3_yir2ep
Submitted by Codyvlach t3_yjmrca
Submitted by asilvertintedrose t3_ylx4hx
Submitted by mac_is_crack t3_ynq5ee
Submitted by BushyEyes t3_yp18aq
Submitted by brolbo t3_ys9vqe
Submitted by Intelligent-Dream-66 t3_ytw6k2
My fiancée was having a shower, and saw this little guy on the bathroom floor! He’s super friendly and was very grateful for the apple. We’ve decided he’s either called Charles or Mr. Hamster. Gonna see if anyone in the building has lost him! [OC]
Submitted by keran22 t3_yuhgmp
Submitted by EnigmaKat t3_yv409z
‘Miracle’ twin elephants born at Syracuse Zoo. Twins make up less than 1% of elephant births, and this is the first recorded case in the USA where both twins survived the birth.
Submitted by Shark-Farts t3_yv45hh
Submitted by Blonde_onfilm t3_yvj89t
Found in backyard: a rare and endangered Peregrine Falcon—the fastest bird on the continent (the Wildlife commission reunited him with his family)
Submitted by Intrepid_Nothing9561 t3_yz1a3x
Submitted by Clear_Skye_ t3_yzrfmh
Submitted by vladgrinch t3_z1pebs
This is the fattest polar bear in Alaska. His name is Fat Albert and he lives in a village named Katovik. He weights over 1,000lbs!
Submitted by Educational_Grab2756 t3_z352lq
Submitted by upandattem t3_z5mmsl
Submitted by GeorgeIsGettinAngry t3_z84n91
My wife has been feeding the squirrels. Today they were looking for her. She told me this one is named Pearl.
Submitted by Daneinthemembrane t3_z98eqh
Submitted by karne_norte t3_zaq0eh
Submitted by canolli t3_zca3qh
Submitted by HappyJacket3113 t3_zd7xrv
Hank the Tank a 500 pound bear known for breaking into more than two dozen homes to rummage for food and leaving a trail of damage behind.
Submitted by Darkshreaders3 t3_zge6cx
Submitted by DaisyDeerling t3_zizoek