Submitted by WarriorsTale t3_z5802c
Submitted by [deleted] t3_z98c58
1996: Young Actor Marries Big Star 13 Years His Senior. 26 Years Later: He's a Superstar -- Still Madly in Love
Submitted by Wsz2020 t3_zb29i3
Smartest wife ever! We were both pooping on opposite sides of the house… I called her and asked for tp… she yelled for the dog and then told me to call him…(OC)
Submitted by conniosseur88 t3_zb445w
Submitted by brolbo t3_zf9jfi
Submitted by pifuel t3_zlgz8b
Submitted by onesnowcrow t3_zlnbiw
Submitted by cookiemae22 t3_zn4d7v
Submitted by eechrst t3_zp25lg
Submitted by sarin77 t3_zunq91
I hope everyone is having a good day !! please remember to smile! try to stay positive ❤️ I know life is hard but please don’t give up (OC)
Submitted by Klutzy_Translator707 t3_zwpwu1
Submitted by sciencemint t3_zzq0gc
Submitted by ImComfi t3_10lw2hf
Submitted by SproutSpoon t3_104axzg
Submitted by mmoss06 t3_104e3u8
Submitted by Gainsborough-Smythe t3_106woe5
[OC]Help! First time cuddles since I got her. I have work in 7 hours and need to go to bed. What do I do?!?!
Submitted by Infamous_Librarian72 t3_10ap6cw
Submitted by soft-scrotum t3_10awrwd
Submitted by Navyguy73 t3_10b686m
Submitted by JephriB t3_10c73kc
Submitted by ResidentEivvil t3_10cisxe
Submitted by PM-Ur-Small-Tits t3_10epddo
Submitted by Cardiff07 t3_10gfru7
Submitted by Otacrow t3_10guuik
Submitted by VerGuy t3_10gxcpm