Submitted by xctf04 t3_yic26z
Submitted by Bean_bean_beanie t3_xsown9
Submitted by nagchampaflower t3_xtqe58
Submitted by onlyfactsfromdads t3_xty062
Submitted by goldbutthole t3_xuien0
Submitted by Alert-Scientist6579 t3_xv5tkg
Submitted by kvothes-lute t3_xvv1sb
Submitted by Jam_OwO t3_xz4tcx
Submitted by PLUR520 t3_xzawwb
This is my boyfriends office he works out of from home. Here are all of the socks she brought up from the basement to the third floor for him today.
Submitted by hikingfortheviews t3_y0sd8g
Submitted by SeaFactor7709 t3_y5ntde
Submitted by thicbhaddie2 t3_y94qjx
Submitted by ZonaiSwirls t3_y9v7c9
Submitted by morganmillyy t3_ybzdqw
Submitted by amonaloli12 t3_yd14e4
Submitted by Starlightriddlex t3_yg42nq
Submitted by feelsonline t3_ygbxgp
Dolphins hang with their favorite lady. Side question though. Are those rocks hard on their bellies? They did slide up there.
Submitted by Draygoes t3_yjepyw
Submitted by wafer_fox t3_z7ywiq
Submitted by delveccio t3_yj0dlk
Submitted by AppleCrispMeltaway t3_ykyvea
Submitted by eenachtdrie t3_yluk1y
Submitted by SnooWoofers455 t3_ymoi3l
Submitted by lnconsequential t3_ymvac9
Submitted by Bubba_duckling t3_yo6deq