Submitted by SeaPhotojournalist27 t3_1002ly8
Submitted by Gogosanchez t3_125q0fg
Submitted by FillsYourNiche t3_12565dl
Submitted by LadyCasualGamer t3_1280w69
Submitted by brolbo t3_11adlqp
Submitted by KronosTD t3_11dk7om
Submitted by astronimbus t3_zzxoxg
Submitted by [deleted] t3_123fu9u
Submitted by ellinorianne t3_zr0omb
Submitted by Bearschoke t3_zylwci
Submitted by I_procrasturbate t3_z5goxz
Submitted by Meowmere505 t3_10m0sku
Submitted by jaurex t3_y5wfqi
Submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer t3_11e2gh8
Submitted by throwra_ririlover t3_10jmi9z
7 years ago we went to the shelter and asked who needed a home. A few days later we came home with Beemo, a senior mix who had been dumped in the overnight kennel. Once he understood what his new life was like, he became the biggest, sweetest mush you could ask for.
Submitted by Miss_Behaves t3_126mte6
Submitted by DreadqueenRathian t3_11abuhj
Submitted by DirkDieGurke t3_10cqn7w
Submitted by Yupish t3_z1uysi
Submitted by jimillett t3_zwuuy8
Submitted by manokud t3_124fm4j
Submitted by SweetBabyRae69 t3_yil5ay
Submitted by Luneaa_ t3_yh9m07
Submitted by InfectedCumBubble t3_10ogvo3