Submitted by Intrepid-Everything t3_10o4veh
Couldn’t spend thanksgiving with my mom, but she sent me this photo. She a dog rescuer. Here’s 4 out of the 7 she has. All the little ones watching her cook for Thanksgiving.
Submitted by dumbBitchh93 t3_z42zr5
Submitted by GoldenChinchilla t3_10mvg6h
Submitted by NowakajBlackwing t3_11e3dbb
Submitted by texas__wolf t3_y96mwk
Submitted by portageandmain t3_ydfyyv
Submitted by collarsandwatches t3_10q88zu
Submitted by JQuest7575 t3_yg7j4s
Submitted by hyenacry t3_zzhyyl
Submitted by DimitriMontague t3_z5ya63
Submitted by granular-vernacular t3_z4vu2k
Submitted by Kraagenskul t3_yibpy0
Submitted by sonia72quebec t3_11dozzx
Submitted by uhhhitsmeiguess t3_10nyo3t
Submitted by sonia72quebec t3_10vjum6
Submitted by rk5577 t3_yb1s1l
Submitted by RickyLim0828 t3_126s23s
Submitted by brolbo t3_120pe5b
hello this is camo. he is a rescue we've been together for over 7 years over this time. he has rescued and saved me time and time again he has showed me a love that is unwavering a loyalty that I've never felt before and I am honored to have this animal in my life . (oc)
Submitted by Historical_Nothing99 t3_yi7x7h
Submitted by gxxsn t3_yzphxp
Submitted by bigsk15 t3_z1bszu
Submitted by yom125 t3_1265s4w
Submitted by luxury_yacht t3_yiakov
Submitted by Roy_McCoy08 t3_126xtjn
Submitted by brolbo t3_yhl2ki