Frankie has been sleeping in bears bed for a few months now, but this is the first time bear let him cuddle up to him. Frankie is feeling accomplished, the silly beardie.
Submitted by Scales-n-tails87 t3_zxtdgt
Submitted by Scales-n-tails87 t3_zxtdgt
Submitted by Sianmaire t3_z8fnnw
Submitted by OkiDokiTokiLoki t3_z70tz7
Submitted by Vi0letBlues t3_z8i8lk
Submitted by JettMe_Red t3_yhh4b0
Submitted by Kwhean t3_ydd9k2
Submitted by Loose-Map-5947 t3_126t6x5
Submitted by FunnyWinchesters1967 t3_10oqwbr
Submitted by Deckardisthething t3_10mz5vx
Submitted by Dragonwulf t3_z817o2
Submitted by SunCloud-777 t3_z8kmie
Submitted by fyflate89 t3_y71tpj
Submitted by _foxwell t3_yioyj6
Submitted by KillaKayFym t3_xxbabo
Submitted by TreebeardLookalike t3_1266jq7
Submitted by dlmgmario t3_10muoq7
Submitted by pepperjackNO t3_zxgj7a
Submitted by DivineCrusader1097 t3_126q080
Submitted by Runningleg t3_11tbux8
Submitted by Emotional-Yoghurt-69 t3_123v5kl
Submitted by Kafadafada t3_125h3s3
Submitted by Blobbie01 t3_115vsia
Submitted by brolbo t3_10mt65i
Submitted by Anna_0401 t3_zmu8u9
Submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer t3_zxts76