Submitted by DinsPearl- t3_zw05vq
Submitted by TurtlesAndBobcats t3_z4qb1j
Submitted by Spettrofotometro_ t3_120ervd
Submitted by Shoddy_Negotiation14 t3_10p04oa
Submitted by schnuck t3_11kzk4j
Submitted by keyboard_courage t3_11qsug1
[OC] My sweet angel Mateo, basically wants to snuggle in my arms all day, and I happily oblige. Look at that face💘😍🥲
Submitted by Lojl t3_11banag
Submitted by jaurex t3_y5wfqi
Submitted by carpetbagger001 t3_11akfsy
Submitted by DirkDieGurke t3_10cqn7w
Submitted by bunnykitten94 t3_10l6y3p
Submitted by skipperbob t3_z79r1i
Submitted by 888temeraire888 t3_ygm2i4
Submitted by zenmin75 t3_yex10z
Submitted by Misi_Einhorn t3_11djz8k
Submitted by sonia72quebec t3_10vjum6
Submitted by holdenwook t3_119y52c
Submitted by Vanderhoof81 t3_10lydau
Submitted by ellinorianne t3_zr0omb
Submitted by nightmanrumham t3_126j1ym
Submitted by sfreeman8875 t3_11r8rrb
Couldn’t spend thanksgiving with my mom, but she sent me this photo. She a dog rescuer. Here’s 4 out of the 7 she has. All the little ones watching her cook for Thanksgiving.
Submitted by dumbBitchh93 t3_z42zr5