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CrazyPerUsual t1_j723lul wrote

Not just a Hopkins issue. IIRC Baltimore City is "subsidizing" the costs of County water (City provides the county with water and they do NOT pay what we pay).

Understaffing, issues with getting materials, vendors who don't meet promised performance, inability to hire certain vendors because our streets and alleyways are so narrow (we can't just have any garbage or recycling collection b/c of this). It's a confluence of issues.

Does it suck? Yes. Do I as a resident feel I could probably budget better? Maybe. Do I want to go through the City budget line by line to figure out what gets the money and what doesn't? Nope. I don't have time for that. I vote for people that I hope will do as indicated/promised.


Mustbearobot t1_j723xtx wrote

What’s this ridiculous deal with water?


BmoreInterested t1_j72aga4 wrote

The deal was established in 1972 and hasn't been updated since. I'm sure it made sense then when the county population was 240K less and far fewer communities were then serviced by the water/sewer system. It's time to revamp the deal though... which seems like it may be starting soon:


CaptainObvious110 t1_j73e4j9 wrote

Ok make the county residents pay for their share of the water. We know what the problem is clearly so it's a matter of actually doing something about it