FabriceSantoro t1_j9tydj8 wrote
I’m one of those Hereford Zone kids. I think the perception of how many Hereford Zone days we got is much greater than reality. I think in high school we might have one every, or every other year where we got off and the rest of the county/city didn’t.
Also - it makes sense. The Hereford Zone makes up a third of Baltimore County’s land mass and it’s consistently a few degrees colder than the southern areas. Those extra degrees mean the difference between wet roads and icy roads (which are hard to treat because again… huge area to cover)… and there are tons of really tight, really windy roads up in Hereford.
Take solace that it didn’t take you 30 minutes to go anywhere growing up and your nearest shopping center wasn’t in Shrewsberry PA
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