Submitted by nationdecay t3_117dg1t in baltimore
fredblockburn t1_j9b3rm7 wrote
Kommie pigs isn’t bad.
Expendable_Red_Shirt t1_j9b4f7t wrote
Little Havana had great mojitos. The food was always meh but also not the point.
jabbadarth t1_j9b4ujq wrote
I've never actually had theirs and I've only ever seen them at food truck events.
jabbadarth t1_j9b50jn wrote
Yeah I love little Havana. Just don't go there expecting an authentic dining experience. It's decent bar food with a great atmosphere
wcmotel t1_j9b6nna wrote
It’s not traditional but the Cubanelle from Dipasquales claps cheeks.
PuebloEsNoBueno t1_j9b81mt wrote
Regionale in Canton has a pretty good one.
PracticeTrousers t1_j9b9k0h wrote
El Taquito in Fells had a cubano sandwich on their menu last time I was in there more than a year ago. It was cheap, it was massive, and it was pretty fine!
poppunksnotdead t1_j9baza4 wrote
its been years for me, but i do remember enjoying the one at little havana, and regionale - now i feel like i need one in my life
bentoboxcar t1_j9bgdhu wrote
I enjoyed the Cubano from Lighhouse Liquors in Canton.
FabriceSantoro t1_j9bghi5 wrote
Totally agree. This place makes fantastic sandwiches.
EfficiencySuch6361 t1_j9bmwa8 wrote
One of my fav Cubans
danhalka t1_j9bortj wrote
I went back to Little Havana last month for the first time in maybe 10 or 12 years and it was absurdly bad. In the 00's it was a passable brunch/day-drinking spot for twenty-somethings, but today its Cuban sandwich is complete garbage. Don't waste time there, OP.
DfcukinLite t1_j9c66xu wrote
Not Little Havana… that’s for sure. Was gross AF
TheCaptainDamnIt t1_j9c9mb3 wrote
Nice timing, just yesterday I was thinking about how disappointing the cuban sandwiches in this city are.
rayray52 t1_j9cahha wrote
Luigi’s in Hampden makes a pretty decent one.
gameyolu t1_j9cdk9j wrote
Listen to this people.
drjizza t1_j9cdv39 wrote
Little Havana has the worst food known to man
velveteen311 t1_j9cojb6 wrote
Idk what these snooty booty high falutin redditors are eating in their daily lives that they think little Havana is garbage lol. It’s solidly good food for a very reasonable price, and the view is spectacular.
jabbadarth t1_j9ctsns wrote
This feels a bit hyperbolic.
jabbadarth t1_j9ctvan wrote
Yeah lots of hate but I've never had anything bad there. Mediocre sure but that's a long way from bad.
hippiechick725 t1_j9cuqjb wrote
Sorry to sound like a doofus but what exactly is a Cuban sandwich?
the-denver-nugs t1_j9cwccf wrote
little havanah is basically there for drinks with a view of the harbor. food is honestly pretty shit if you want authentic. I've been to miami a good deal and work with hispanics in restaurants. like food isn't shit on its own and i will eat it, it just isn't near authentic tho from eating there it does seem like a bit is microwaved.
the-denver-nugs t1_j9cwnjl wrote
as someone that works in restaurants. most of their food seems microwaved tbh..... it isn't the worst, but like it really isn't even average.
[deleted] t1_j9d113g wrote
Cocosam80 t1_j9d13mz wrote
Regionale has a pretty good one as well as Lighthouse liquors, both in Canton grab one of each and you decide which you like best :)!
achirion t1_j9d8glx wrote
No pan = no cubano
boarbar t1_j9dahxu wrote
I swear to beans, anyone who says little Havana needs to be downvoted into oblivion
boarbar t1_j9danye wrote
There’s a LOT of disappointing, regional food in Baltimore to be honest.
TonyDanza888 t1_j9dckvs wrote
They changed things up with the remodel after taking over the 7-11 and I think are going more of a restaurant base. Do they still have sandwiches? I know they didn't have even 1/4 of as many last time I went.
VULGARCAPS t1_j9ddsg4 wrote
And in light of the topic of this thread, the cuban is the most consistently good thing there
RoxxorMcOwnage t1_j9de496 wrote
Pork, ham, cheese, pickle mustard on Cuban bread. Tampa style adds salami. Lots of people put lettuce, tomatoes, and mayo, but I prefer mustard, pickle, meat, cheese and bread.
Scrilla_Gorilla_ t1_j9dfy5a wrote
All the hipster Hampden dick riders on this sub act like anyplace cool kids went in their 20s is horrible. I went there after kickball and flag football at Riverside plenty of times, had a bunch of Cuban sandwiches to go with my Modelos, they were never bad.
MonoChz t1_j9difll wrote
Are they that good? Never felt like paying $25 for a sandwich.
Purple_bread_door t1_j9dj8d9 wrote
You need good Cuban bread to start. No one in the city makes good bread so don’t even try the sandwich without it!
Little Havana has good ropa vieja…
Salsa-N-Chips t1_j9dm9fj wrote
The bread on DiPasq sandwiches is mindblowningly good.
jgupdogg t1_j9dux42 wrote
Came here looking for this.
dickpickdan t1_j9dvr4x wrote
I’ve always felt like the sandwich scene in Baltimore has always been lacking
DfcukinLite t1_j9e5cgg wrote
Little Havana’s food is garbage and always has been. The food isn’t even “passable”, let alone edible
DfcukinLite t1_j9e5lqf wrote
I’ll always downvote anyone for mentioning little Havana that place is only around for waterfront drinking. And that’s ok.
boarbar t1_j9eyevc wrote
Right, we can’t rely on Ekiben to be the only sandwich shop in Baltimore. We have Attmans and a handful of solid Italian delis. And while pit beef is great, it’s possibly the most boring sandwich in the country.
YoYoMoMa t1_j9ezfsi wrote
Luigis is my go to for a good sandwich.
Baltimore has a good but narrow food scene. Tons of Italian and Greek and Nepalese. But entire swaths of cuisine just missing.
I don't understand how we don't have a good cheesesteak place.
YoYoMoMa t1_j9ezvps wrote
>No one in the city makes good bread
Cunningham's makes kick ass bread and provides it to places like The Wine Source.
cockmonkeyman t1_j9f10z7 wrote
gave me food poisoning
Purple_bread_door t1_j9fdijs wrote
I should’ve clarified-no one in the city makes good Cuban bread. (Tampa native, but Baltimore more the rest of my life) 👍🏽
Il_Menefreghista t1_j9fgovs wrote
There used to be a food truck that came to McKeldin Square by the harbor on Wednesday that had the best Cuban in the city, and bomb fries (when they were fresh), but can't find them since the pandemic. If anyone remembers that food truck, comment with their name.
Cubans are not hard to make at home, and they will be far superior to anything you can get at a restaurant.
DarthTimGunn t1_j9figgh wrote
Sabor de Frederick.
Broad-Brush t1_j9gah8o wrote
Its the one thing this town does not have. Cuba De Ayer off 29 is the closest legit Cuban food.
Pakaru t1_j9gbs5a wrote
Closest you’ll get that’s actually good is El Chavo from La Cocina Luchadoras in Fells
boarbar t1_j9hnl56 wrote
It’s because everyone here orders cheesesteaks with lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise. Absolute scrubs.
YoYoMoMa t1_j9ho2mq wrote
God it's so terrible.
bmore t1_j9jst78 wrote
I mean you gotta, because they're so bad here otherwise. Perhaps it's a vicious cycle.
boarbar t1_j9jsz3b wrote
Stop this violence immediately 😡
jchuh t1_j9kon3v wrote
Chaps Pit Beef. Not authentic but:
jabbadarth t1_j9b3ciu wrote
Temper your expectations. AFAIK there are no good authentic Cuba ln sandwiches in the city. Wiley Gunters has a decent one, little Havana has an ok one (don't let the name fool you most of their food is pretty far from authentic but some is passable)