Submitted by AdMobile9950 t3_11agk0l in baltimore

All my life I have pronounced milk as “melk” and being from Baltimore no one has ever said anything about how I pronounce “milk”. As I have left Baltimore and talk to more people that aren’t from the area, they poke fun at how I pronounce “milk” as “melk(like elk with a m). Is this a Baltimore accent thing? Or is it just me?



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colfer2 t1_j9s10nv wrote

Your mama raised you right.


ThoughtCollection t1_j9s30yl wrote

My wife says melk. We both grew up in Frederick and have been in bmore for about 10 years. I think she’s always said it that way though, so maybe a Maryland thing?


mccormick_spicy t1_j9sie93 wrote

Delaware and lots of Philly have this pronunciation too. I also often hear pellow instead of pillow. It’s regional for sure


rob-cubed t1_j9t9xvy wrote

As long as you don't warsh the glass out with wooder afterwards, you are all good.

Yeah, it's a Bmore thing.


sxswnxnw t1_j9tari0 wrote

I'm from the Gulf Coast. We said (phonetically) "meelk", but I knew for sure that folks on TV and in commercials said milk, with the short, almost staccato i. From that, I knew we had an accent. I am curious what you thought in situations like this?


Random-Cpl t1_j9tc41z wrote

Yeah it’s a weird pronunciation for sure, and I think it’s a regional thing


Whole-Championship16 t1_j9tdzaz wrote

It’s gross to say melk. It sounds like snot is lodged in your nose and there’s snot in your milk now.


bobcat7781 t1_j9tmyab wrote

My youngest pronounces it that way, even as an adult, and she is the only one in the family who does.