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Cunninghams_right t1_j9bjkqv wrote

yeah, I had someone get out of their car to yell at me for crossing in crosswalk with a "walk" light illuminated. they genuinely thought that traffic turning left always had the right of way over pedestrians, and it upset them so much that they were wrong that they felt it necessary to stop, get out, and yell at me.

people think other places have bad drivers because they see aggressive driving as bad driving. I have to explain to people that Baltimore is on a whole other level of bad driving where it is aggressive, impatient, crazy, AND incredibly unskilled.


Timid_Teacher t1_j9d8bih wrote

Yeah, if I see a car looking like it's not stopping and I have a walk signal, I let them go. It's not worth losing my life over someone exhibiting dangerous behaviors.


Cunninghams_right t1_j9dklom wrote

for sure, I didn't even notice they were trying to turn across me until it was too late. I have an inclination to tell people when they're wrong, but I'm not trying to get shot so I usually just avoid problems.