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PleaseBmoreCharming t1_jaa1nj1 wrote

The value of that land is way too significant to give up for recreational open space that only has one use. I think you and a lot people, as this isn't the first time I've heard this suggestion, jump to this idea because it's getting stuck on what the current value and use of the land is: vacant lots of no productive value; empty; nothingness. in reality, those lots should be of some use that would provide revenue to the city and provide some sort of economic activity. providing greater revenue to the city would do more for residents of West Baltimore than a pile of dirt to ride their dirt bikes. Additionally, who's to say this would entice dirt bike riders to use it and stop using the streets as their personal racing circuits(which I assume is the reasoning for your suggestion)?? That's not guaranteed to change their minds.


[deleted] t1_jaaxqsz wrote



PleaseBmoreCharming t1_jab0uyn wrote

Why are you challenging me on this!? I don't think my comment implied that I wouldn't say the same things about those places (Well, maybe not the cemeteries...c'mon, man).

I CANNOT WAIT for the Maryland Stadium Authority to release the agreement/plan with the Orioles & Ravens on what they are going to do to develop all those empty lots! I would love for some of the golf courses to be repurposed into more housing! You picked the wrong target if you think that I am picking and choosing which underutilized land in the city to highlight. Good grief.