Does anyone know if you can take vapes into the power plant live venue? Tried looking online and couldn’t find anything
visionzero81 t1_j8kxm07 wrote
Only in word
z3mcs t1_j8kybjm wrote
Excelent response
edgar__allan__bro t1_j8l3qm1 wrote
Love your outlook
[deleted] t1_j8l74r1 wrote
PuebloEsNoBueno t1_j8l8dj4 wrote
Really anywhere in Office is fine.
weahman t1_j8lbe7j wrote
Probably could have Access to it
3villans t1_j8lc6mz wrote
Clippy would disagree
Sivla-Alegna t1_j8lmgrw wrote
Possibly excel. Depends on the formula.
un-panino t1_j8mfnjo wrote
probably—last time I was there for a large event (2019) people were smoking cigarettes on the balcony in the outdoor part of the venue, so you can probably bring it in, just may not want to openly use it everywhere
anne_hollydaye t1_j8mie7e wrote
Most venues treat vaping like cigarettes. I'd assume not.
ElAligatorAgradable t1_j8mrove wrote
You had to bring that up.
Clippy is... SNIFF!... dead.
molotovPopsicle t1_j8nr04q wrote
quit your yammering
weahman t1_j8nx0a9 wrote
Watch your mouth you're onedrive away from going to your dad's house!
molotovPopsicle t1_j8o2xur wrote
i've been meaning to visit Bob!
oofgeg t1_j8o3qz9 wrote
I’ve got one note for you: stfu
testerowpqlq t1_j8rduez wrote
You’re not allowed to bring unlit cigarettes into a place in your purse? Huh?
anne_hollydaye t1_j8rzhwc wrote
I read this as "bring in with the intention of smoking" - in which case, no. Bringing it in and not using it, nobody gives a damn.
lolokaydudewhatever t1_j8kvkyv wrote