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Animanialmanac t1_jctavn8 wrote

DPW and the city forestry teams have done terrible things to the environment. In my area they tore down 1/4 acre of older trees they said impacted visibility in the big park, then they planted sidewalk trees where people paid to have the previous removed because they were getting into the sewer lines. Why remove healthy trees for visibility in a green space, that makes no sense. At least four years ago a woman from high up in DPW told us they were fixing the problems with the storm drains leading to the Maiden Choice behind my house. Four years later nothing is done, the river overflows the banks every heavy storm and the trees on the sides keep falling in causing jams. DPW causes problems all around by starting projects without finishing them or doing things that don’t make sense, yet no one from the city will take responsibility to fix the mess. I believe their stream restorations make things worse, the sewage leaks that DPW never fix means sewage goes right into the bay.


bmoreurbancamper t1_jcttf2b wrote

Forestry is not part of the efforts to remove healthy trees.


Animanialmanac t1_jctzo7s wrote

It’s hard to know what city departments are responsible for what, there is finger pointing and blaming other areas, departments, then none of the 311 requests are addressed. In the end the city residents and the environment suffer.