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Myfavoritepetsnameis t1_jdp3pnw wrote

I’m not saying someone using a blinker means they take ownership of anything.

Being a defensive driver and courteous driver saves lives.


BlueFalconPunch t1_jdp41hd wrote

I hope there a dash cam or a longer earlier start to the video I've seen. I heard that both were driving aggressive but the video isn't clear


Myfavoritepetsnameis t1_jdp56or wrote

I’m just speaking from my personal experience and the few seconds we have in the video.

I drove a 9 ton truck for easily 500 miles a week for many years around the beltway. When I put on my signal people would speed up like I was going to steal their lunch. Instead I started to match their speed for a couple seconds and have them come up beside me then I’d tap the brakes to change lanes behind them. They got to be very predictable and this was the safer way to change lanes. People drive like absolute asshats around the beltway. I don’t understand it at all. Once you get off on 95, 70, or 795 they don’t seem to do it as much.


hypatiaakat t1_jdpvyi3 wrote

Completely agree, this happens all the time. The moment the blinker comes on, the person behind speeds up. They do it to merging traffic all the time, tailgating in the right lane, etc.

Here, this was a work zone and both drivers were reckless. People died because of it.


Sea_Yesterday_8888 t1_jdps4cs wrote

Thank you!! Share the road people, lives are at stake. Maryland is the worst with people speeding up when someone puts on their blinker. You are operating deadly machinery, act like it.


fnkdrspok t1_jdqc8wv wrote

Why do we have to let you in? Go in behind me, instead of trying to cut me off. (Hence the speed up to close the gap)


Flapperghast t1_jdqs1d7 wrote

Why can't you be courteous? It's not like you'll get where you're going any faster by being a shithead.


fnkdrspok t1_jdqveiz wrote

Why do you need to get in front instead of being patient and waiting for a safe lane merge? If and when I merge, I’ll go behind someone if they are already in the lane, that’s just being courteous, anything else is being a shithead.


Flapperghast t1_jdqwp6m wrote

I'm talking about changing lanes in front of a car as a safe lane merge.


fnkdrspok t1_jdqxgi6 wrote

Again, whenever people fight over a lane, it’s because some vehicle sped up trying to merge in front instead of just merging behind. So in turn, second vehicle speeds up so that doesn’t happen.

See the chain reaction here? If you didn’t speed up trying to pass, the car you were trying to pass wouldn’t of sped up to close the gap.


Flapperghast t1_jdqyq2g wrote

That's a very "look what you made me do" mentality. Also, I have no idea what you're trying to describe here.

I'm describing a situation in which the vehicle to the left is not in front of the merging vehicle, but behind around the blind spot. As the vehicle to the right begins to change lanes, the courteous thing for the driver on the left to do is absolutely not speed up, it is to maintain speed and allow the driver to merge.


fnkdrspok t1_jdqz68s wrote

I’m talking about people merging in front instead of merging behind. That’s it. Nothing more, nothing less.

People speed up to stop people from cutting them off, there, that’s it, nothing more to say other than that. If someone is speeding up, stay in your lane and just merge behind them.

After rereading your scenario, why would you merge in front of a car while they are in your blind spot?