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dopkick t1_jarbuj1 wrote

Introduce a bounty program. If you’re the first 3 to report a car illegally parked in a bike lane you get an award when it is ticketed. Award like $10 to first, $7 to second, and $3 to third. Then raise the cost of the violation by $20. People would go nuts hunting for these cars.


refutalisk OP t1_jarib5m wrote

I would be a little concerned about creating incentives that could be abused. To me, getting the car out of the bike lane is its own reward.


dopkick t1_jarj6yl wrote

Pretty sure DC is doing this and it seems to not be a big deal.


refutalisk OP t1_jark5a3 wrote

Oh, that's really interesting. Thanks for sharing.


MotoSlashSix t1_jas8v56 wrote

Request to add my enforcement idea: after your car gets towed/ticketed for multiple blocking a bike lane violations, you get a loaner bike to commute with for x months until your car comes out of impound. You get the car out of impound at No or reduced cost when you return the bike in good condition.


ThisAmericanSatire t1_jat0beo wrote

The bounty is meaningless if nobody actually shows up to ticket/tow.

I currently report for free, and will continue to do so, but it would be nice if enforcement actually showed up immediately and issued tickets.