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ObviousGazelle t1_jdptk4c wrote

The only reason these things happen is because people are dumb or desperate enough to do it. And then when they realize they been had, are too embarrassed to do anything about it, which encourages these piece of shit owner types to be even more brazen.

Don't worry they'll cross the wrong MFer one day who will be well connected enough to solve their problems.

Also is it just me or is the whole industry going to shit fast around here...


PigtownFoo OP t1_jdriurf wrote

I guess these guys will get away with it because my friend doesn’t seem to be up for the challenge of at least asking for some money for the day’s work.

It’s a tough industry, and I am glad to have left it. Thought the owners learned a few things about humanity after the pandemic, but perhaps not.