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bookoocash t1_jddiyzk wrote

This pleases me.

You all probably got a couple of my reports.


Significant_Jump_21 t1_jddos2a wrote

Any chance you'll repair the potholes at Caton & Joh? One of my crew trucks took a hit there. Busted the axle. I talked to a friend in DOT. A crew cold patched it last year. You still got open requests for it. It's a 1'x4' hole. You & I know that's not the right way. You gotta clean the hole and use hot mix. Bottom line you need to resurface the road.


Animanialmanac t1_jdds0w5 wrote

I have two patients who were in an accident at that pothole. It’s a very deep, very dangerous hole, I’d call it a sinkhole. Their car isn’t driveable, they have months of pt ahead of them.

I hope you can get this fixed, the area around Caton Avenue, Patapsco Avenue, Wilkens Avenue and Benson Avenue is deteriorating fast because of all the heavy trucks driving through. I won’t drive down that way. I heard at a neighborhood meeting we won’t get any help, support for having the road resurfaced because that would require the road to be closed for hours or maybe more, the truck companies now take priority because they donated to Ms. Porter the new councilwoman and her friend who runs the Village of Violetville.

I remember when Benson Avenue was resurfaced last time, I still worked in the medical office building there. We had a little grand opening festival, they kept the road closed for a day after it was completed so children could ride their bikes and skateboards. I can see how truck companies would be upset at the road closed for a day or two, we need safe roads more than we need whatever jobs the truck companies may have. I don’t know anyone who works for those companies, I know many people who were injured or had car damage from the bad roads.


Significant_Jump_21 t1_jddyf5h wrote

>We had a little grand opening festival, they kept the road closed for a day after it was completed so children could ride their bikes and skateboards.

I wasn't here. I saw pics. It's cool they did that.


>I heard at a neighborhood meeting we won’t get any help, support for having the road resurfaced

I heard the same. That's why they cold patched it. It takes less than a hour.


BmoreCityDOT OP t1_jde7272 wrote

You don't have to submit another if you already have 311 active reports.

Calling 311 is the best way to follow up on any ticket you've submitted. When calling, you can say “I’d like to check on the status of my service request. Would you mind looking up the details in the Salesforce system for me please?”. This will get you the most information.


CorneliusSoctifo t1_jden2is wrote

yes let's please pat ourselves in the back for revenue generation and not addressing any of the core problems of the city, or doing anything productive to solve them!!


CorneliusSoctifo t1_jdeyyrg wrote

this is Baltimore city. when has the money actually been allocated positively?

we pay insanely high property taxes but it roads are shit and the schools are failing. or police budget is astronomical compared to other cities this size, but crime is overly rampant.

but hey yeah let's pay some dude to make Reddit post weekly about how many tickets we issue to people parking in bike lanes. that will set this city on the right course!


MontisQ t1_jdfardu wrote

This is a consistent complaint from folks on this sub and I often hear it in my community association meetings. I’m glad that our voices were heard and they are doing something about it. I don’t see what the big deal is.


CorneliusSoctifo t1_jdfeiy1 wrote

thank God a couple of white people in Hampden, canton, mt royal and other gentrified neighbors are relieved of the incontinence of having a few cars parked where in the bicycle lane. it's awesome that the 44 tickets that they have issued has raised what $6k total? totally covers the 3 enforcement officers, asking with the truck and road crew that can fix the single pothole that revenue covers 👍🏼.


CorneliusSoctifo t1_jdfgg2r wrote

this city and it's government only care about and only announce anything "good" that happens in "nice" neighborhoods.

there is no care of consideration for anything south of pratt st. every fucking week the city is paying themselves on the back for parking tickets, claiming it is about public safety, yet refuse to acknowledge it do anything meaningful about crime and corruption in the police force


MontisQ t1_jdfjail wrote

The new Rec center in cherry hill? The Middle branch reimagining project? Generally all organizations (govt or not) tend to advertise “the good” they are doing. You tend to only hear about the nicer neighborhoods because that’s where the majority of this sub live.


CorneliusSoctifo t1_jdfmixc wrote

and you just fucking nailed the problem on the head, this is nothing but fucking useless propaganda to make make the spilled shit kids in this sub feel better about themselves and their "hardships"

and that rec center in Cherry Hill? the one being built next to the yeah collection center? built just high enough so the assholes that will over pay for their seasonal apartment in port Covington can see it and feel better about themselves?

sorry but have to wake up in 5 hours so i can make my way from pigtown to Curtis bay on shit roads and replace my suspension in 2 weeks for the 3rd time in 18 months because of the sad state of the roads. but hey at least i get to look at some sweet waterslides. and i can sleep knowing Hopkins students will only have to serve past a few cars riding their bikes


MontisQ t1_jdfqo1g wrote

Yes because the kids in cherry hill are also spoiled. Get a grip man, go listen to some legislative oversight hearings if you want to hear some in depth analysis. Don’t expect that on comms like this…

And I’m sure you’d be saying how great this was if the situation was reserved and they were ticketing chronic offenders on your drive.


Frofro69 t1_jdg2rt9 wrote

Would we call you at DOT or the police about a disabled vehicle? There's been minivan sitting in the bike lane (I think it's a bike lane, or maybe a bus lane) near the Baltimore National Cemetery but it may have been stolen. Who would we contact for that?

Thank you


PracticeTrousers t1_jdhnae4 wrote

If you want some easy tickets I recommend going by the Baltimore City Public Schools District Office parking lot on 200E North Ave because there's at least three or four cars parked in the fire lane whenever I ride by there. There were always a few cars parked in the handicap spots without permits, but I haven't checked that closely recently.


BmoreCityDOT OP t1_jdilob4 wrote

We patrol bike and fire lanes regularly, but this post is all about extra enforcement due to concentrations of 311 reports. So if you see people parked in the fire lanes, please send us reports using the 311 app!


smughippie t1_jdiutq7 wrote

Thank goodness. Drives me crazy. Just wish y'all would patrol on lanes that aren't protected. Going down st. Paul in the morning and people think the bike lane is a stopping lane for running errands. Then I have to go out into the traffic lane and cars honk at me. Bonus points if they stop in the bike lane when a little effort would have them in an actual parallel parking spot.