physicallyatherapist t1_jegimwm wrote
First she helped prevent housing being built at the bookbindery and now she's helping to tear down housing for a parking lot. It's frustrating.
TaterTotz8 t1_jegmfl4 wrote
I wonder if that means the lot will be valet spaces? Pay to park with a discount if you eat at the new Wolf restaurant?
DorianCHoldingsworth t1_jegngmt wrote
Just what a struggling city needs, more parking! How absurd. Build out a tram system so we don’t need the parking in the first place.
luchobucho t1_jegnsii wrote
CrabEnthusist t1_jegr8fw wrote
The Wine Source should be seized by the city through eminent domain and turned into a bike lane.
The owners should be publicly flogged and turned into a bike lane.
KaizoReg t1_jegv1qp wrote
megalomike t1_jegvcmu wrote
Id respect the wine source more if they just fucking went for it and had no parking lot. Offhand i can think of 5 other liquor stores in hampden without parking.
YesIDoBlowCops t1_jeh1gw7 wrote
^ Hipsters gone wild.
Skontradiction t1_jeggod8 wrote
> “My understanding is that the current parking lot where folks park, where the Wine Source parks, is going to be for the new Cindy Wolf and [Tony] Foreman restaurant that’s going into Café Hon,” Ramos said Tuesday. “The Wine Source is going to lose that…I don’t like tearing down houses for this, but they need the parking.”
Increasingly common Odette Ramos L. Blocks the development of tons of housing units and now advocating for tearing down a duplex because “well what can you do…people gotta park I guess.” Hilarious that she served on the housing committee for Wes Moore’s transition team when her record is this bad on the topic.