YorickTheCat t1_jec54bl wrote
Doesn't look like you did anything wrong. Outside of the leaf collection months I notice they sometimes don't take mine, then will get it on a different day. Not sure if it depends on the guys on the route, how full the truck is or what.
sxswnxnw t1_jecf23t wrote
I put something out there once and they left it behind, maybe a month ago. Was it just leaves and sticks? My residual was a broken bread box (un bagged) ... I bagged it and they took it the next week.
SnooHedgehogs6553 t1_jecpq4l wrote
Out here in Ho Co, curbside yard waste recycling doesn’t start until next week.
guest0112 t1_jecrgtz wrote
Call 311 and report it and they’ll come and pick it up tomorrow. Usually lol
hymie0 t1_jee5ccr wrote
It's too bad you're being down voted, because "is it yard waste recycling season?" is a completely valid question.
dopkick t1_jeek028 wrote
This was the first thing I thought of as well. We're about a week into spring, I'm not sure that yard waste pickup collection has begun? I don't have a yard and what little yard waste we do collect (branches and the like) just goes in the regular trash.
[deleted] t1_jebvjig wrote