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finsterallen OP t1_jdjqgt3 wrote

March 22, 2023 Patricia A. Boyle Bureau of Water and Wastewater 300 Abel Wolman Municipal Building Baltimore, MD 21202

Dear Ms. Boyle:

It has been determined that Clean Harbors of Baltimore, Inc. (Clean Harbors), is an optimal wastewater treatment site to treat and discharge the wastewater collected from rainwater, collected water, and stream water above and below the cleanup site of the Norfolk Southern Railroad derailment in East Palestine, OH that occurred February 3, 2023.

Details of the incident including testing and sampling results can be found at the EPA’s Website:

Clean Harbors proposes to begin receiving this wastewater immediately once approval is granted. The initial known quantity currently loaded in railcars is 675,000 gallons. The proposed treatment scheme will be carbon adsorption using 4x12 mesh reagglomerated carbon followed by inorganic metals removal as needed.

The primary constituent of concern is vinyl chloride. Data provided from Norfolk Southern indicate vinyl chloride between None Detect (ND) of 1 ppb to 62 ppb.

Data provided by Arcadis indicates PFOA and PFOS at 9.4 ppt and 8.7 ppt respectively in a 5 sample composite, just over EPA’s proposed drinking water standard of 4 ppt, with most other samples being ND. Clean Harbors will treat the wastewater by filtering through the reagglomerated carbon to produce an effluent below 4 ppt PFOA and PFOS. We look forward to your response and to helping our country with the proper management of this wastewater.

Very truly yours,

Bill Fornoff Director Laboratory

cc: Mike Foley Bill Connors Jim Childress Steve Venti Todd Blake

E: formatting. Also, this might not be so good for our crabs and rockfish and whatnot.


teagardenblues t1_jdk7seq wrote

why don't they pour that water in the burning coal mines under PA?


BOS2BWI t1_jdkl4dg wrote

“After treatment, the water would go into the city’s sewer system before arriving at the Back River treatment plant in Dundalk for processing.” - the plant that just blew up. Omg make it make sense, please… so glad to see this not just happening without some push back.


brownshoez t1_jdkphi3 wrote

Climate change is real and concerning- but stuff like this is a much more immediate threat to life on our planet.


Camelbreath18 t1_jdl1asc wrote

If the water is safe for Baltimore to dump it for use, keep the water in Ohio and treated in the Ohio river


EthanSayfo t1_jdntxvm wrote

Call your reps, call the Mayor’s office, call the Governor’s office, and tell them this is INSANE.

Sending hazardous waste to be processed by a plant that has a string of major problems, what the FUCK.


Ok_Boysenberry_2824 t1_jdrbczr wrote

They are "concerned" however it's still coming. Must say, great political theatrics though. Just like when the mayor said he won't except another child getting murdered in his city. Two days know