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rtmfb t1_jchuz4r wrote

Loki "So sad. Anyway..." .gif


Thanatosst t1_jci5bdy wrote

Why are there still at least two Confederate statues in the city?


todareistobmore t1_jcidkdu wrote

> The Confederate Soldiers and Sailors Monument, which was dedicated in 1903 and doused in red paint by protesters in 2017, depicts the angel Glory holding a dying Confederate soldier clenching an unfurled Confederate flag. The flag was sawed off and a small hole was drilled in the soldier’s knee.



Stoso11 t1_jcif6z6 wrote

It’s more complex than that and you know it. These statues represent and lionize people who fought tooth and nail to overthrow the United States government because they were denied the right to own slaves.


Alaira314 t1_jcilhv7 wrote

That was my first reaction too, but apparently it happened while they were in storage(according to commenters further down, the article is paywalled for me so I can't confirm). That's a bit more of a complex thing, like it wasn't some activist defacement of something in an attempt to get change. I'm all for vandalizing displayed monuments of oppression. Throw that shit in the harbor where it belongs, let's have a statue party. But when you've already won, when it's already been taken down and put into storage, at that point you're just defacing something that doesn't belong to you, to...make yourself feel good? Like you accomplished something? But what did you accomplish, if the monument had already been taken down? That energy would be better directed to something that matters, because if it's going to be used as ammunition against us(and this will) you might as well have accomplished something while you were at it.


One-Comfortable8392 t1_jcinapr wrote

The crime is clearly that these people haven't been compensated for their work.


kia75 t1_jcjenbk wrote

I mean, why does Baltimore even have confederate statues, even if they're in storage? Baltimore and Maryland weren't part of the Confederacy. Heck, if there's Civil War statues they should be Union statues.

of course, we all know the real reason a city like Baltimore had Confederate statues.


Timmah_1984 t1_jcjjujy wrote

Maryland was a slave state though and is south of the Mason-Dickson line. Baltimore had a notable riot on Pratt Street between confederate sympathizers and a Union Militia which was aided by the BPD. The sympathizers lost but did a lot of damage and caused some casualties.

There was a lot of tension in Baltimore that lasted far beyond the war. There was also a small percentage of Maryland residents who did go fight for the Confederacy. The statues are echos of all that. Obviously though we don’t need to keep and display them.


rpd9803 t1_jcjr15t wrote

Won’t somebody think of the poor revisionist confederate monuments? Give me a fucking break. Vandalize them wherever they stand, and when they get melted down to slag, vandalize the slag too for all I care about those dumb things.


oneweirdbear t1_jck1at3 wrote

"avenge the patriotic gore / that flecked the streets of Baltimore"

It always bothered me that every other state song that uses the same tune as Maryland's (old) song is all "look at how beautiful our state is, we have all these natural wonders, our people are friendly and wonderful, gosh our state is lovely"... and then you've got the Confederate simpfest that is "Maryland, My Maryland".


DONNIENARC0 t1_jckbega wrote

They're the same ones that were taken down a while ago when Pugh was still mayor. After they were taken down, they were put in this enclosure in some impound lot next to Pulaski highway until somebody could figure out what to do with them.

> The Confederate effigies were among four that were removed from various locations across the city the same month as the deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The statues have since sat in a weedy corner of an impound lot off Pulaski Highway and were expected to be displayed in a Los Angeles art exhibit this fall.


DONNIENARC0 t1_jckc8f2 wrote

They were being sent to be displayed in an art exhibit in LA later this year. Also not sure we own them in the first place.

The Columbus statue that people tore down and threw in the harbor a couple years ago, for example, was commissioned & owned by Italian American Organizations United


TheSocialistApple t1_jcl29x5 wrote

We still have those?

Where? I'd like to perform ... further research.


Alaira314 t1_jcl4qcs wrote

But what does it accomplish? Name one positive thing that happens as a result of that, one concrete change in the world that makes it a better place to people walking around on the street. Put that in the "good things" column.

Now in the "bad things" column we have conservatives and some moderates racing to the polls, reacting to what they see as hooliganism. And this does excite their base. It works astoundingly well, especially targeted to white conservatives in the county(who have more statewide power than before with the recent redistricting).

Now, to morally evaluate the act, we compare the two columns. Is it worth it? I can't come up with anything to put in the first column at all, given that the statues had already been permanently removed from where they'd been displayed, so my math is coming up "absolutely not." Tell me what your math is that makes it come up differently.


imaryter t1_jcl8ht2 wrote

They still got them 1.5 ton participation trophies around?


rpd9803 t1_jclcn7k wrote

Oh who tf cares on what the right might use to motivate their base when they’re gonna make up something to motivate their base no matter what happens? And that something doesn’t even have to be true to motivate their base.

The percentage of people this will singularly motivate is not enough to swing any election, but inflation and squeegee boys might.