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dudical_dude t1_jbzhz3l wrote

Smells more like a quality of life thing.


ILikeBigBidens t1_jbzw54b wrote

NIMBYism usually improves or protects quality of life for existing residents or property owners, generally at the expense of potential new residents.


ice_cold_fahrenheit t1_jbzzx6r wrote

It’s more NIMBYism protects the property values of existing homeowners (or they think it does) at the expense of both existing renters and potential new renters/homeowners.


rhymes_with_pail t1_jc3fi36 wrote

Which this petition is also trying to do by limiting space for housing.


PleaseBmoreCharming t1_jc0hhah wrote

How would one's quality of life be diminished by building additional housing? Lemme ask this, how are you defining "quality of life" here? If the public facilities and infrastructure is adequate for additional development to be approved, then theoretically quality of life should not be diminished, unless this is a personal preference in which that's not applicable as a reason to prevent the development.