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MFoy t1_jc53vsc wrote

Reply to comment by Beckam4434 in Train to Philly Pricing by Beckam4434

Amtrak is dirt cheap if you plan more than a month in advance. Once trains start to fill up, the prices skyrocket and it is really expensive.


No-Lunch4249 t1_jc6fyrh wrote

Bingo. I did this same trip OP is planning last summer for like $30 round trip, but bought the tickets a month or two ahead of time.

You really cannot beat that price, driving you’d pay more for gas and parking. You might find a cheaper bus but the experience will be way worse.


MFoy t1_jc6g8s9 wrote

My wife and I did DC to NYC for $124 round trip, two people. If we drove to NYC, that would be more than parking alone, let alone the $50 in tolls and then gas on top of that. And the train is cheaper and less stressful.