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DONNIENARC0 t1_jcfeqda wrote

> Minority and Women's Business Opportunity Office found Metra repeatedly failed to pay subcontractors on time. The office's chief, Christopher Lundy, said in one case, payment came more than a year after the work was finished, and only happened after the city got involved.

Oh cool, now do Hopkins


Cheomesh t1_jcg0zwy wrote

Hopkins have a reputation for not paying out?


DONNIENARC0 t1_jcg2s1m wrote

They changed up their claims department (outsourced it maybe? not entirely sure) along with the entire customer service department on September 1st last year and many providers have been unable to get paid for services rendered, negotiate rates, or even use their billing system since then.

Their phone system even has an automated message set up for it... "If you're calling in reference to claims prior to September 1, press 0. For dates after September 1st, press 1".


S-Kunst t1_jcg5v6n wrote

Like the companies which manage 401K accounts or insurance claims, every day they get to hold on and invest that money is more profit for them.


why1200 t1_jcgwgwl wrote

that's what the office's chief said. But what are the real facts? Could be city got involved by actually Paying what they owed, then the subs got paid. This is what happened.