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maiios t1_jdxkyzw wrote

You are an absolute poet. There is no better way to describe that smell.


wcmotel t1_jdxn7sv wrote

Frame this and hang it in the BMA.


catbirdbutt t1_jdxohe6 wrote

What a great time to be a mouthbreathing doofus.


dickpickdan t1_jdxq5dz wrote

Had them in our college quad. Every year the cum trees came.


PrettyFIacco t1_jdxq5xz wrote

The beautiful smell of the glorious cum-tree, harkener of the spring time in o little town of baltimore


NikkiRocker t1_jdxq7fx wrote

They are the worst! But they are quick growing, so many landscapers plant them.


sassygirl101 t1_jdxsfab wrote

If I am not mistaken the Bradford pear tree is the official tree of MD 😂


jeanie_rea t1_jdxsz10 wrote

They are an invasive trash tree, and crowd out native trees too!


Avocadofarmer32 t1_jdxt2zr wrote

I am cackling in my car 🤣 Maya Angelou has nothing on you.


MsBitchhands t1_jdxuy8b wrote

I'm allergic to the nasty fuckers. Their treemen has my sinuses miserable.

The worst fucking trees


ratpH1nk t1_jdxuzg7 wrote

I grew up in Fells/Canton and I thought those were dogwoods! Damn they stink so bad.


sbwithreason t1_jdxxfaz wrote

I am both allergic to them and reminded of what is missing in my life

Ahh spring


megalomike t1_jdxy0dp wrote

I cannot smell them at all. I wonder if its a cilantro situation.


velveteen311 t1_jdy78oz wrote

Am I the only one who can’t smell them? When someone points it out to me it just smells sorta musty like other pollen.


LorHus t1_jdy9y94 wrote

They also are prone to splitting and have a tendency to fall on cars


bmoreurbancamper t1_jdyafl0 wrote

To be clear, no one currently working for Forestry has planted a Bradford pear. These trees were the industry darling in the ‘70s but haven’t been planted for several decades. Proof: I worked for Forestry for 14 years until last year.


quercusshumardii t1_jdyclrw wrote

William Donald Schaefer named it the official tree of Baltimore back when he was mayor


K_N0RRIS t1_jdycyaf wrote

My sense of smell must be compromised because I smell nothing on those trees.


ObviousGazelle t1_jdyczgb wrote

Are you sure the smell isn't emanating from one of the known hooker spots, like Ft. Armistead? Or perhaps even one of the more "popular" hookers? Lol


pistonslapper t1_jdygq38 wrote

Yes! Was thinking this same thing riding my bike down cathedral st this weekend.


Gercke t1_jdyik10 wrote

I bought a house last year with two Bradford Pear trees in the front yard. Within a few months, a huge limb broke off one and took out the internet for several houses around. A few months later a huge storm rolled through and the other split in half, taking out my lightpost and the railing to my stairs. I paid to have them both cut down and it's one of the best decisions I've made with this house so far.


The_Wingless t1_jdymujc wrote

Blessed are those who, for some unfair fucking reason, can't smell these abominations.


CaptainObvious110 t1_jdyu27m wrote

Good to know that im not the only one that absolutely hates those trees. They are an absolute abomination and I am not exaggerating in the least when I describe them in that way.


thatstoomuchman t1_jdz0z2c wrote

All the rage in the 1990s around Maryland. My parents had their house built and the builder had them as part of the planting plan lining the boundary of their property.


S-Kunst t1_jdzdell wrote

On a lighter note- There is a fruiting pear tree on the triangle of land, at the intersection of MLK Blvd & Howard St. If you are in the lane which is turning right onto Howard, (in front of the hospital, the small tree is on the left. Sometimes panhandlers stand on that spot. It stands about 7 ft high. It may be a remnant of the Bolton Estate, which sat very near that location, and which the Armory now occupies a portion of the estate property.


Idontgetredditinmd t1_jdzhvqg wrote

The Washington post did an article about how they came here over a century ago. I’ll try to find it later and Edit this if I do. It’s was a really interesting read.


giraflor t1_jdzmu53 wrote

I think I can’t smell them. I noticed the distinctive smell of Gingkoes growing up in Baltimore, but not that of Bradford pears. Now that I live in MoCo, I know Bradford pears as the trees that take down power lines at the slightest breeze. Still can’t smell them.


anne_hollydaye t1_jdzmw3i wrote

They line Jenifer Road in Timonium.

We lived off Jenifer for a decade. I'd never smelled them prior to that - my town in HarCo didn't have them, or had so few we rarely encountered the smell.

I'd love it if the golf course replaced them with a native species but they only care about appearances.


blamethe t1_jdzo133 wrote

They are supposed to be short-lived, lasting 25 years or so. I think they will naturally die out “soon” and be replaced, but agree that a proactive solution would be to start replacing them now. As they get old and accumulate injuries and rot, their dead branches will be bigger and more likely to cause problems as they break off.


opposite14 t1_jdzq62q wrote

they are planted all around maryland.

such a garbage ass tree.


LOL_I_am_at_work t1_jdzxpwu wrote

It wasn't your neighbor who decided this. It was the city. They wanted male non fruiting trees and boy do these smell male


forwardseat t1_jdzy6kp wrote

Maybe not in forestry, but I still see developers planting them all over the place.

They need to be banned. There are miles and miles of these trees along 32 and 95, and just on my road they’re completely taking over large swaths of woods. (Aided by English Ivy killing of mature trees in the area. That should be banned too).


ScootyHoofdorp t1_jdzz4jg wrote

I honestly feel kind of left out. My nose doesn't work all that well, and I have no idea what all the complaints are about. I don't smell it.


K_N0RRIS t1_je00bkz wrote

I ride down Orleans street by hopkins all the time windows down and theres a ton of them along the road. Just smells like eastiside to me. I see the trees and think theyre really beautiful. It sucks to know that people are dying slowly inside just going by them lol. I'm gonna go sniff a tree to see if its really just me.


SockMonkeh t1_je022wr wrote

They make great firewood. Just saying'.


PigtownDesign t1_je06h14 wrote

Geez-us! It's three weeks out of the year. DEAL WITH IT!


sanfranballfan76 t1_je077k4 wrote

I think the cities plant them as they grow quickly and dont require much maintenance, generally dont cause root issues. They are EVERYWHERE in my hometown of Fresno, CA and they are known as the "jizz trees." They stink and announce the arrival of allergy season. The worst.


mdyguy t1_je07w9b wrote

They're invasive and banned in some areas. Not sure if they're banned in baltmore or maryland yet though but let's hope so.


mdyguy t1_je0871p wrote

They are banned in some areas due to them being invasive. Then they came out with like neutered versions but those are still invasive. I believe they are banned in PA now but don't quote me and I'm too lazy to find a source.


procrastimom t1_je0l3i3 wrote

Only female ginkgo trees bear fruit and stink. If you find a stinky one that was planted, someone probably made a mistake. And they do stink! It’s like a combination of vomit & dogshit. I don’t know what the fruits are used for (food? medicine?) but I’ve seen some older Asian folks collecting them by the bagful in the fall, below the huge old ones in front of the Sun paper building. They are beautiful trees.


BigBobFro t1_je0zs3b wrote

Besides the fact those trees are ridiculously weak and break off and crush stuff all the damned time.


pinkycatcher t1_je2bz5b wrote

They're breeding then, because I've 100% seen roadways with trees younger than from the 70's, I'm talking 3-5 year old trees next to older more established trees.

Honestly I wish we could get the go-ahead to just chainsaw any that are on public property. Problem would be solved very quickly


[deleted] t1_je2xe1o wrote

My father fought against doing this vigorously


AnswerGuy301 t1_je2xsj1 wrote

They originated in Maryland. Developed by the National Arboretum and UMD. The area around College Park was a guinea pig so they’re even more common down here…


ParoxysmAttack t1_je3l8v0 wrote

You’ve literally ruined spring mornings for me. Thank you.


SnooDucks4683 t1_je5apjl wrote

I hate this smell! Thank you for giving me a descriptive for it! All I could say is, "I don't like that smell!"!