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HokieS2k t1_jed8odn wrote

I use it when going to places on N Charles. Very convenient for that neighborhood, and I bet the restaurants and The Charles Theatre like having it


DfcukinLite OP t1_jeddch6 wrote

I’m sure the restaurants owners and Charles theater will be much happier with all the new residents and foot traffic from this than they will miss the underused waste of space parking lots and garage on the 1700 block of N Charles


dingusamongus123 t1_jedf5v9 wrote

Exactly. People bring revenue, not cars. Foot traffic leads to a lively neighborhood, which can lead to even more foot traffic


jeweynougat t1_jeeerpv wrote

It's pretty lively! I park in that garage and in the evening as I leave it fills up again. It has a $3 deal for restaurants, the club, and the Charles Theatre.