Submitted by ccbmtg t3_yehei1 in baltimore

just had my bike stolen after locking it up in front of a 283x rowhome to run in and pack for an overnight work trip. was hidden behind a bush and locked to a handrail because anything studier must be an offense to God to my prop mgmt (despite request). only thing I didn't do from normal is put the rain cover on and secondary lock since I was planning on being back on it in an hour or two.

bike is a freego dk200 electric bike, mostly been using it as a mobility vehicle since my ankles are injured and walking is difficult so this really sucks, besides the huge financial hit. it's a pretty unusual frame, not many knockoffs that I've seen (yet). pics attached.

and yes, police have been contacted. thanks for any info you might be able to provide!

lord never thought I'd say this but I can't wait to move to DC... least I can store stuff indoors again finally lol.



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app_priori t1_ityemxj wrote

You couldn't store it inside...? In DC this would have been stolen too if you had kept it outside.


ccbmtg OP t1_itysl5p wrote

my vestibule is too small to still let my neighbors leave. hence why I was asking for a bike hook to be installed a month ago, since it's horizontal size would take up minimal space.

btw, I really can't do that regardless since the bike was just stolen lol.

and you're not wrong about DC except im moving into a full house with a yard and plenty of space to store a bike indoors.


goetzecc t1_ityxcid wrote

I’m so sorry this happened to you. I have anxiety when locking my eBike up anywhere. I’m thinking about hiding an air tag on it to track it if stolen.

Was the handrail cut or your locking mechanism?


YorickTheCat t1_itzai3n wrote

That sucks! Thefts like this are often covered under your renters (or homeowners) insurance.


YoYoMoMa t1_itzfso5 wrote

Such a bummer.

I feel like lojack type systems should be easy and cheap now for things like this. Do they make them small enough for a bike?


br4nn t1_itziij1 wrote

Unforunate and I will keep an eye out, but I have seen this locked up with what looks to amount to a string. going to need at least $100 bike lock for someone to not just walk away with it.


terpischore761 t1_itzirel wrote

I have a Tile tracker on my bike. I highly recommend them.

I have one hidden in my car, which helped me find it within 30 min after it got stolen earlier this year.


NationalMyth t1_itzoumr wrote

I've got a super thick Kryptonite chain on my hyperscorpion. Registered, they claim to pay the cost of whatever the lock might fail to protect.

I've had mine locked around town, our back, and in front of my house for over a year so far.


NationalMyth t1_itzp0b5 wrote

I run the chain through the wheel and the frame, so even if whatever the bike is secured to fails, they have to lug around a super heavy bike that will not be able to be rolled away.


danhalka t1_itzwdln wrote

Yeah, throttled fat tire "bike-in-a-box" ebikes seem like popular targets :( Even worse, while still expensive, it's a low enough price point that it's not quite worth insuring (assuming your renters' doesn't cover), and <$2k value makes it even less of a priority for enforcement of any kind.



danhalka t1_iu0spbh wrote

i'm not an adjuster, but fwiw it seems possible the insurer might note that this model has an independent throttle and max speed of ~30mph and could consider it a motorized vehicle and thus exclude it from the policy.


todareistobmore t1_iu0upq1 wrote

Suppose it really depends on the policy, but IIRC rental insurance has a pretty broad definition of what it covers and includes basically anything habitually kept in the residence.

That said, anybody with rental insurance and an e-bike would do well to confirm if it's covered with their insurance company.


todareistobmore t1_iu0vltx wrote

Above a really basic level, a better bike lock's a deterrent rather than a guarantee. I'm not sure what to attribute it to that theft by portable angle grinder isn't more common in Baltimore.

That said, if you're riding an e-bike, there's no reason not to carry the extra 5 or whatever pounds a good chain is vs. a cheaper one, bc deterrents are good in and of themselves.


TerranceBaggz t1_iu0zvkq wrote

Sorry about that. Post it on Bikemore FB page. People there take bike theft pretty seriously and have recovered quite a few.


ccbmtg OP t1_iu2zv1e wrote

yeeeah, I had just started looking into those, but hadn't had time to do the appropriate research and comparative shopping. I'm on Android, tile works there too? is it only Bluetooth connected like the old tiles or does it have a GPS tracker now? 'cause what I'd really like is a tag I can find with GPS later, I've seen some with magnets to put under your car (or I suppose be a totally creepy stalker lol), even something like that secured and hidden well would be rad. also stickers on the underside in difficult to remove spots for ID might be good too.

you totally right though. that and the damn $170 kryptonite lock I just ordered oughtta be helpful in the future lol...

edit: looks like there are some for dogs and cats that could be perfect haha.


ccbmtg OP t1_iu308ov wrote

nope, this is where the blame falls on me for trusting cheap ass Chinese steel and manufacturing. just ordered the kryptonite new York cause definitely ain't gonna let this happen again...


ccbmtg OP t1_iu30gcx wrote

well, what's funny is I had the battery inside to charge so they basically did just roll or ride away on a 70 pound singlespeed bike. that shit was miserable to pedal with no assistance lol.


ccbmtg OP t1_iu30sao wrote

hence me just ordering the kryptonite new York. that lock was really just intended for quick runs into a shop where it was usually still in view, I was just stressed and pressed for time and didn't use my abus u-lock and cable, since I was planning on riding it not long after locking it and didn't feel like breaking out the cover either.

saw kryptonite has cement anchors too, wish id have checked their site out earlier. what little space there is in front of my apartment, could have definitely still worked that.


todareistobmore t1_iu37rng wrote

Oof, my sympathies. Leaving your bike unlocked for a few minutes is the sort of thing that should be okay and usually is.

If you haven't done so, see if you can find the serial number for your bike and report it to the police in case they end up recovering it. I'm not on FB these days but if you post in the Bikemore group, there at least used to be a couple of other groups for Baltimore and/or DC for missing/stolen bikes and people can share there or point you in the right direction.

Make sure you register your new lock and save the receipt bc kryptonite will want that if you ever have to file a claim with them. And fwiw I'll keep an eye out but I hope it turns up soon.


ccbmtg OP t1_iu5uvuy wrote

it's class 3 electric bicycle, tops out at 28 without assistance. it's legally considered a bicycle, don't think insurance companies can redefine that. class 1 tops at 10 mph, class 2 at 20, class 3 at 28 iirc.


danhalka t1_iu5w276 wrote

Pretty sure some of those class:mph numbers aren't right. Regardless, some carriers are going to care that the dk200 is a 1200w motor (I know firsthand that mine uses 750w as a cutoff of sorts). It's all going to vary from carrier to carrier. Hope it works out for you.


todareistobmore t1_iu60ie3 wrote

Oof. Again super relatable, the only time I've had a bike I'd bought new stolen, thankfully the shop had written down the serial number (I ...might take a hint and write all mine down this weekend?).

Hopefully somebody can give you good advice if BPD isn't responsive in terms of making sure it doesn't end up going to auction. Mine had been stolen out of my house as part of a burglary so they came and took the report but never confirmed they did anything with the serial numbers I'd given them. Between that and the bike having been a tragic money pit, as soon as the insurance check came through I'd started planning the bike I'd want whether or not the old one was ever found. As it turns out, it wasn't and it's all for the best.