Submitted by Fellow--Felon t3_y6ixec in baltimore
Velghast t1_isptj4e wrote
Well that's kind of frightening. There is a guy at the Orioles game who had a gun. No idea how he got it in there but it wasn't properly secured because it fell underneath his seat and he just kind of gave this oh s*** and put it back in his pants. Now that I think about it I don't think there's been one place in Baltimore where I haven't seen a gun. Go to Giant for groceries, I've seen guns there minus the police officer who has to have a gun. Royal farms, amateur there are several guns in the Royal farms. Any given parking lot or apartment complex on Moravia Road, guaranteed gun.
I'm pretty sure if I check my cat's litter box I can find a 9mm.
EfficiencySuch6361 t1_isqegrg wrote
Weird. I very rarely see guns but I know they’re everywhere
sirvonhugendong t1_isqf77k wrote
I have many of questions, like I wanna hear more background on this. It seems a little crazy to because as someone with a conceal carry even I know it's a serious crime to have a gun on school property. And what jurisdiction did they lock him up in was it baltimore city ?
BlueBinch t1_isqmede wrote
His name is Jesse Francis. There was an article posted a year ago about him being a Navy vet, and him participating in "Puppies with a Purpose"
The article states that he's 28, and was posted a year ago.
This article that was posted today states that he's 29. Same guy.
Thanatosst t1_isqpdsm wrote
If your cat is randomly finding a 9mm and bringing it home, I want to buy your cat.
After all, nothing is better than a Cat in a Hat with a Gat.
ThrowitB8 t1_isqqyut wrote
Yooooooooooo. That’s my classmate. I have a permit to carry for my jobs and keep my holster on during class but I have always left my gun secured in my car before classes. He sent me a ‘connection request’ on our student platform and I hit delete. Dude was a little off for sure.
Edit; According to the online public case lookup this is his THIRD peace order in 3 years. The University should have looked this up as soon as there was something mentioned.
I’m not surprised. Women aren’t believed or supported when we speak out.
MrsPots-Stark t1_isqt5ak wrote
As someone who is a grad student and undergrad alum, i can absolutely confirm that the administration does nothing in these instances. In undergrad I reported a guy for stalking, threats, and harassment and it got me absolutely nowhere.
beelzebubskale t1_isqujf8 wrote
Right now I have a friend who is fighting the dean for not removing a student after they have consistently used slurs against them in class. Because it would go against the university systems free speech rules
bacon_is_just_okay t1_isquk8j wrote
Kurt Schmoke, that's a name I haven't heard in a while. Forgot about that bozo.
[deleted] t1_isqwvzu wrote
[deleted] t1_isqwzjf wrote
ThrowitB8 t1_isr1rbc wrote
According to the public records search it was Baltimore city. Although he has a couple other peace orders in the county as well.
DoNotWeepAtMyGrave t1_isref1y wrote
Your gun definitely isn’t secure in a car…
Acceptable_Day_7204 t1_isri27d wrote
It sounds like a lot of social manipulation for political gain. I may be missing pieces but I don’t see a threat just an obvious policy violation.
Funny thing is that dudes the guy who would be protecting from a shooter
molesterofpriests t1_isrj576 wrote
If it has a trigger lock and is concealed from los than it is technically considered "secure" by law.
r3rg54 t1_isrkb71 wrote
> "He grabbed me by the back of my book bag and, like, pulled me up off my feet next to him and was like, 'You better not be lying,' and, 'Remember, I can kill you in one shot.'"
BronzeEast t1_isrqlie wrote
They are everywhere. Ya know what’s not everywhere since the pandemic? Police.
ThrowitB8 t1_isseh6b wrote
It’s more* secure than legally required. There isn’t much of a choice for me. I go to school full time and work 3 jobs to feed my child. I’m a single mom with zero family. I can’t afford to drive home in between everything I need to do so that I can secure my gun at my home.
Again- my gun is more* secure than legally required. And I take an extra step of removing the chamber and securing it in a different part of my car. So kindly crawl out of my asshole.
CautiousAd1164 t1_issgdvm wrote
Hi get a counsel and carry. They don’t care about your safety and no one else will. might as well protect yourself
Matt3989 t1_issr6m3 wrote
Universities and Colleges aren't included in the COMAR definition of Schools.
All Maryland Universities have a ban on concealed guns, but not all have policies that apply to open carry (UB does). The bans are "policy" but not enforceable by law, so they would have to notice and ask you to leave first, they cannot arrest or detain you unless you refuse to leave, at which point you're trespassing.
(I would definitely not trust UB campus police nor any other responding agency to know the law well enough to not shoot you)
Bonethug609 t1_issucp3 wrote
Would consider suing the U of B. I’d also transfer.
codyvir t1_ist1m4c wrote
I don't know why you're being downvoted for that kind of statement.
daveyjones86 t1_ist7euo wrote
Please don't make this about gender.
mikefaley t1_ist7j0m wrote
Hi - hope you’re having a good day so far. A sincere question for you if you don’t mind - not a challenge or any political bullshit just curious - you mentioned holstering your firearm during class. I imagine you are carrying in class then. I was wondering what the purpose of this is? Personal protection?
Thank you - Mike
ThrowitB8 t1_ist8swa wrote
No. I said that I keep my holster on during class. I’m not legally allowed to carry onto a school property of any kind.
I’m not going to take off my belt and remove my holster to go to school. I’m not going to make myself a target in a parking garage or street while fucking around with my belt. I keep my gun secured in the car and keep empty holster on during classes.
mikefaley t1_iste4qn wrote
Oh got it, I understand now! Thank you for the explanation. Have a good day.
BlueBinch t1_iste9iq wrote
He assaulted another student and threatened to shoot her.
Just because he's a veteran, it does mean he'd "be the guy who's protecting from a shooter".
FrancisSobotka1514 t1_istjiyi wrote
Depends .There are gun safes that can be welded into a car .
MidContrast t1_istoapm wrote
yeah you're missing pieces alright
molesterofpriests t1_istphcb wrote
Its okay, some people are just ignorant and don't know much about the laws of their own country.
I'm not even American lol. Just a Canadian who travels to Baltimore semi often and has owned restricted weapons since I was old enough to obtain a license.
Any experienced owner knows what I said was factual.
Confident_Bridge9811 t1_ists8pb wrote
It really seems like a law that needs to change.
Matt3989 t1_istu7ss wrote
Does it? Has there been an incident of someone with a Carry Permit causing problems on a campus?
Matt3989 t1_istwf0p wrote
Maybe we should start treating theft like an actual crime.
Moongdss74 t1_istxuok wrote
He's the current chairman of the board for Baltimore City Community College.
bwbwildcat t1_isuccch wrote
Looking him up it seems he has also gone to court MULTIPLE times for assault, big yikes from me
[deleted] t1_isvdbgi wrote
Proud-Animator-1421 t1_iswjadx wrote
The president is a schmoke- look up that history. That’s why nothing is being done.
Also- TV is more powerful than TikTok in this case, go to channel 11
fridill t1_it31qyh wrote
This was probably written by Jesse to excuse his assaults and harassments.
Plus if he abuses his classmates so publicly, imagine how he abuses his dogs in private.
SloppyA4 t1_it3m7zh wrote
Depending on what his issues are from the navy if it’s anything to do with TBI or PTSD he shouldn’t be allowed to have a gun for obvious reasons now
ChickyATH t1_it9r6r4 wrote
Call the city cops
Acceptable_Day_7204 t1_iu6zk5m wrote
So definitely social manipulated bad guy lol Got it
It’s an effective method but still corrupt and the emotional pain caused by this trend is going to backfire on society one day for the next generation.
It’s going to cause an ideological fissure between groups in and out of effective range of control. A Orwellian dystopia is here already but the gattica and Fahrenheit 451 aren’t far behind
[deleted] t1_ispn6jm wrote