Charming_Wulf t1_irwj9cx wrote
Another thing to include with grocery stores, banks, and the dozen other intentional desertifications.
I will say one strange thing about Baltimore is the various groups that seem to hate trees. Some hate is illogical/uneducated, blind capitalism, or bizarre pettiness.
For illogical/uneducated, I would come across folks who were convinced that trees attracted rats. So they would actively complain about or damage trees. Yes, that sapling is attracting rats, not the alley blocked by garbage. Heck, there was that one homeowner in Pigtown that attempted to damage a tree on the sidewalk in front of his rowhome cause it dropped leaves and sap on his car. Same guy who wrote the racist/hate graffiti on his building wall facing a community garden.
Then you got BGE illegally destroying forest in Gwynns Falls/Linkin Park, with the city trying to shut down the case. BGE and DPW ripped out the trees on St Paul Street across from the Court House. They cut down the trees in anticipation of utility work that was canceled.
Or Pugh secretly cutting down a pine tree in Patterson Park for the City Hall Xmas tree. Even though every previous tree was from outside the city (I think outside the state usually). Just to what, save a couple dollars?
BJJBean t1_irwqrf0 wrote
Don't forget all the trees that got torn out in preparation for the Grand Prix. They literally tore trees out to turn our streets into a race track. Years later we now have no trees and a city filled with wildly dangerous drivers.
Charming_Wulf t1_irwr9h5 wrote
Totally forgot about that one. And a chunk of that was for putting in grand stands I think.
Significant_Jump_21 t1_irz9val wrote
That's a little crazy. BUT I can see being wary of trees in some places. The right tree in the right place is beautiful AND good for the environment. The wrong tree, or the wrong place can be a disaster. A group came through my neighborhood planting trees in front of people's houses, taking pics for their socials. They acted like when people go to 3rd world countries and give poor people something basic like a bottle of water. AND they treated us like we were all too stupid to know anything. I have trees in my backyard. We had a single tree removed from out front because the roots were getting into the sewer. Planting another tree out front isn't going to save the world. It just fucks up my plumbing.
One house near me has a white mulberry in the side yard. It drops branches and leaves in the gutter. The rats feast on the berries. It's a sticky mess. A native, noninvasive tree would be better.
Spare-Commercial8704 t1_is0lmb1 wrote
The guy in Pigtown also cut down a sycamore on the lot next door to him right before the beautification garden was installed and he then removed several hundred dollars of plantings from the garden on the night immediately following the installation.
Animanialmanac t1_is1ts9q wrote
Oh how sad, was that racially motivated or something else? Some people seem so mean these days.
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